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Directorate of Planning and Development


Directorate of Planning and Development has a vital role in development of Government College Women University Faisalabad. Planning & Development has been one of the first departments in the university to look at Planning, for each activity in the university and entrusted with the responsibility of co-ordination with all academic and administrative departments for their developmental requirements, assigning priority to the tasks and keeping liaison with other organizations within and outside the country, for developing and strengthening of existing academic and research programs, tapping funding opportunities in respect thereof and other tasks assigned by the competent authority from time to time. Directorate of Planning & Development main activities focuses on planning and preparation of development projects for submission to various funding organization/sources like HEC, PHEC, and other sources etc. in streamlining targeted educational activities in the University. The Directorate works under the supervision, guidance and leadership of the Vice Chancellor and headed by a Director (P&D); who is supported by ministerial staff.


To help create integrated Planning & Developmental policies. Planning & Development department emphasize on coordination, facilitation and monitoring of developmental activities of the University.


To coordinate and facilitate implementation of integrated development planning in the University.


Deputy Planning & Development

Doctorate Degree PhD in Public Administration


Office Assistant, Planning and Development

Master/ MS (18 Years) Degree MBA (Marketing)


Planning & Development

Doctorate Degree PhD (Physical Chemistry)


Senior Sub Engineer (Civil), Planning and Development

Higher Secondary School Certificate / Intermediate/ A - level DAE CIVIL

Strengthening & Up-Gradation Of Universities Of Backward Areas, And Allocation Of Additional Funds For Lab Equipment

The IT infrastructure of Govt. College Women University was insufficient to need the requirement of GCWUF due to increase in number of student registrations and expansion in the number of programes /disciplines in all degree levels. As Govt. College Women University was enacted in January 2013. University has limited Computer Network infrastructure. In order to facilitate Students, Faculty and other management with latest technology university needs to establish ICT infrastructure. For the up-gradation of IT services HEC granted developmental project entitled “STRENGTHENING & UP-GRADATION OF UNIVERSITIES OF BACKWARD AREAS, AND ALLOCATION OF ADDITIONAL FUNDS FOR LAB EQUIPMENT” in the year 2017. 90% of this project is completed. Capital cost of this project is Rs. 93.969 million.

The main components of the project are;
  • Computerization & networking of campus
  • Office equipment
  • Lab equipment
Funded by Amount
HEC 93.969

Establishment Of New Campus for Gc Women University, Faisalabad

Due to limited space and faculty, academic and research activities could not be extended at old. The Governmnet of Punjab very kindly allocated 396 acres land at chak # 106 R.B near Khurrianwala. The land is situated at Makkuana bypass near UET Lahore campus. The university due to lack of space refuses admission of a great number of female students apply for BS, MA/MS/Ph.D. programs every year. In order to solve this problem “ESTABLISHMENT OF NEW CAMPUS FOR GC WOMEN UNIVERSITY, FAISALABAD”. This project was approved by the CDWP in its meeting held on April 16, 2020 at the capital cost of Rs. 1260.00. To improve quality of human resource in the fields of social and pure science, technology, humanities and other fields of knowledge trained and skilled work force for the rapid and sustainable social sector development of Punjab in general and Faisalabad in particular. To contribute in women development and empowerment by providing equitable access for female students to higher education.

The main components of the project are;
  • Civil Works
  • Academic block
  • Admin block
  • Girls hostels
  • External development
  • Project Management Unit
  • IT Equipment
  • Science Lab Equipment
  • Furniture & Fixture
  • Safety Equipment
Funded by Amount
HEC 1260.00

Installation Of Solar Panels in Gc Women University, Faisalabad

Government College Women University Faisalabad (GCWUF) has signed a 25 years MOU for the installation of solar plant at its main campus on 3-9-2020. The solar plant will be installed under ESCO model in cooperation with Punjab Energy Efficiency and Conservation Agency (PEECA). Solar energy has the least negative impact on the environment in comparison to any other energy source. Solar energy is a renewable free source of energy that is sustainable and totally inexhaustible, unlike fossil fuels that are finite. It is also a non-polluting source of energy and it does not emit any greenhouse gases when producing electricity. At the same time Solar energy systems/power plants do not produce air pollution or greenhouse gases. Using solar energy can have a positive, indirect effect on the environment when solar energy replaces or reduces the use of other energy sources that have larger effects on the environment. Therefore, this project is a major step towards clean and green Pakistan and Punjab and it is in line with Prime Minister Imran Khan's vision. Installation of solar power plant will be carried out at the roof tops of university, so the energy lost during transportation and distribution will be minimized. Thus, the performance and efficiency of solar panels will be increased. The price of electricity has increased steadily over the past 10 years. The cost of electricity will continue to rise in the future, meaning the electricity bill will continue to go up too. By the installation of solar plates with ESCO model the GCWUF can produce its own electricity so no effect will be on the electricity bills rather reduction will be observed. ESCO model, followed for installation of solar panel is a very good agreement between consultant agency, funding grant GCWUF and PEECA. The term ESCO adopted here stands for energy Service Company. This model will allow the consultant company selected after advertisement and proper screening of applicants in collaboration with PEECA to carry out energy services in GCWUF without the investment of university’s capital cost into the project. By adopting this model the selected consultant company will carry out the energy audit of GCWUF, propose a solution, implement, operate and maintain it, but most importantly will provide the financing for solarization. It will be implemented through Energy Contracting. There are various benefits to using Energy Contracting to improve energy efficiency and achieve the highest possible energy consumption and cost savings:

  • Guaranteed energy savings –electricity bill will be reduced to almost half price
  • No financing is required, the investment is covered by the consultant company
  • The investment will not appear on the balance sheet of GCWUF.
  • The consultant company will takes care of planning and implementing the investment, energy management, energy supply, operations and maintenance of solar plates, and assumes all technical risks and responsibilities Only disadvantage of adopting this model is that university has to dispose of all the solar instalments at the end of 25 years. The calculated life of each solar plate is 25 years.

Funded by Amount
Under process in super vision of PEECA