The Department of IT Services (ITS) was set up in 2013 as Department of Campus Management System (CMS) to deal with the growing IT related needs of the GCWUF community. ITS is responsible for the implementation of the broad IT vision of Government College Women University Faisalabad. (GCWUF) in terms of strategic central planning and operations. It provides technical support both to the academic community and the management of the University, making it easier for them to carry out their tasks and duties. Its main priority is to meet all kinds of IT challenges through well thoughts and policies.
To ensure uninterrupted logistic/administrative support with a view to enhancing efficiency through unstinted dedications in promoting the prestigious image of ITS.
The mission of the Department of Information Technology Services (ITS) is to enable the effective use of information technology in support of the University mission.
Director IT Services, IT Services
Master/ MS (18 Years) Degree Computer Science
Computer Programmer, IT Services
M-Phil (18 Years) Degree MPhill Computer Science
Computer Programmer, IT Services
Master/ MS (18 Years) Degree MS Computer Science
Research Assistant, IT Services
Master/ MS (18 Years) Degree Computer Science
Research Assistant, IT Services
Master 16 Years Degree Computer Science
Computer Programmer, IT Services
Master/ MS (18 Years) Degree MS Computer Science
Assistant, IT Services
Bachelor (16 Years) Degree BSc (Hons)
Assistant, IT Services
Master 16 Years Degree MSC(CS)
Hardware Technician, IT Services
Bachelor (16 Years) Degree BS.c electrical engineering
Trained Skill Labour, IT Services
Master 16 Years Degree MSC(Computer Science)
Supervisor, IT Services
Qulification Not Present
Network Supervisor, IT Services
Bachelor (16 Years) Degree BSCS Hons
Assistant, IT Services
Qulification Not Present
Assistant, IT Services
Qulification Not Present
The services of ITS
Deliver information technology products and services that meet the needs of the University and achieve the highest level of satisfaction of the students, faculty and other university staff satisfaction. Support the use and development of information technology to enable academic innovation in teaching, learning, research, and administrative activities of the university.
Scheme of study of current semester (Spring 2017) for all programs and sessions(Performa)
Subject Change Performa
Muhammad Tariq Shahzad
IT Manager
Office Address:
IT Services, Government College Women University Faisalabad
Office Phone:
041-9220668, Ext. 2060
Muhammad Ashfaq
Assistant Network Administrator
Office Address:
IT Services, Government College Women University Faisalabad
Office Phone:
+92-333-9929154, Ext. 2222
This application is used for online admission both for under graduate and graduate programs. Candidates can apply online and after merit lists are made, they visit the University for Fee Submission. All admission related information is available on the university website.
This application is used for student registration. After having admission, all students are registered and student cards are issued through this application.
This computerized system is used for keeping all records about the students. Student basic data, previous academic record, present academic record and other student related records are managed under this application.
This system is used for managing all semester wise fee collection from the students. Computerized fee vouchers are issued to the students. fee office collects fee collection data from the banks and compiles it for further processing.
After fee submission, students enroll their courses against a particular semester. This system keeps all records related to semester wise enrollment.
After enrollment, central computer based time table is prepared. Teachers are allocated different courses. Classes, courses and teachers combination are managed under this application. This application is used for online student’s attendance.
On the basis of enrollment and class formation by using this system, teachers can enter the award lists online. As soon as a teacher enters the award list, this result is displayed online under the student portal.
This application serves the controller of examinations office. All semester wise results are prepared and notified. Different reports for all levels of management and students are prepared through this computer based system. By using this application, controller examinations office declared ITS BS batch result (June-2017) within short time.
This application is developed for Qec, GCWUF. Students are provided with the opportunity of evaluating their courses and teachers online. Different reports are prepared for the analysis purpose.
Faculty portal has the option to add employee’s option, Edit option, View Employee Option, Employee Record with detail.
We have developed Departmental webpage for each department, in which all the departments will upload their own departmental material like department introduction, vision and mission. They can also upload their program detail as well as departmental achievements. For daily activities we facilitate them to upload their departmental activities on daily basis. Furthermore departments can add their events into their gallery.
In the departmental portal, The focal person can Set course Enrollment like Course enrollment with section, Course enrollment with the teacher, Leave teacher from course Enrollment and set timetable, view timetable, view timetable Room, Assign room slot to another department, Scheme Of Study, Enter Course for a scheme of study, edit Semester Course, check Course Detail . And also they can Payroll record of the employee.
The teacher portal has a Student Attendance option, Online Lecture, Online Assignment.
The library portal has the option of Faculty Fee Voucher Generated and Record of Faculty.
Bank portal has Voucher Detail of all Students, Record of Fee, and Bank Scroll entry
We offer a student portal for each student. Students login by their registration number and cnic. They have different options of Online Student fee voucher, Student Subject Enrollment, Online lecture, Online Assignment, Attendance detail, Timetable, Result Detail, QEC evaluation
we offer the Performa portal for HEC. Where they can upload HEC Performa-2, Performa 5.
All employees enter their personal information, qualification record, employment history, research area, skills Information, projects Information, Certificate information, and publications.
Government College Women University Faisalabad has vigorously worked on its faculty development program through series of training sessions on E-Learning pedagogy and development of quality education material to run online classes smoothly and successfully. Right after the regular classes were suspended due to the pandemic of the Covid 19, the Vice Chancellor Prof Dr Robina Farooq started strenuous efforts to minimize the academic disruption caused due to lockdown and shutdown of educational institutes in Pakistan. She has been zealously guiding and motivating the team GCWUF to a quick shift to the alternative infrastructure for conduction of academic activities. University has formally adopted a policy for the approval of online courses. SOPs for the online delivery of courses have been prepared and ‘Online Academic Council’ (OAC) has been established to ensure the quality of online education. Vice Chancellor, GCWUF is its convener whereas Coordinators of all faculties, Director Advanced Studies, Director Quality Enhancement Cell, and IT manager are its members. The Committee is responsible for a thorough evaluation and approval of the online delivery of online courses by taking into account all directions received from HEC and required standard parameters of Accreditation Councils. After the approval of OAC, the teaching material is referred for uploading on University LMS to benefit the students. A functional, effective and operational LMS is in place to provide information, track progress and coordinate activities of online teaching.
In GCWUF, capacity building training session is mandatory for all faculty members who are taking online classes. For this purpose University has conducted multiple online training sessions on E-Learning, data management and various available LMS for teachers of GCWUF. The resource persons of these training workshops explained basic concepts and importance of online education/e-learning, techniques to keep oneself abreast of the modern trends through various approaches of student-centric learning, integrating blended/adaptive mode of learning at classroom. They exchanged best practices and shared their personal experiences regarding online learning and use of ICT tool to make online classes more engaging, motivating and innovative. After training the whole faculty, the teachers were given the task to develop their teaching materials in the form of power point presentation with embedded audio/video recordings, YouTube videos, voiced over slides, footnotes and any other supporting materials. Every prepared teaching material is evaluated by the Departmental Moderators and Departmental Academic Review Committees (DARC) and the HOD before it is uploaded on university LMS. Besides Microsoft team and Google Class Room, faculty coordinates with students through WhatsApp group and Facebook account.
In the first week of May 2020, mock sessions of online classes were conducted prior to the regular start of online classes to ensure that all students were conveniently availing the facility without any obstruction and hindrance. The online readiness of students was checked by the high percentage of Student Connectivity Survey Data, collected in compliance with the instructions of HEC. The results revealed that 97.99 % students of GCWUF participation in HEC Survey ensuring that all of them were registered and connected with University Learning Management System for the implementation of online education.
From June 1st, 2020, online teaching to the students of all degree programs has started. The teachers have two interactions with students every week as per scheduled time. The time table for interaction with students is same as semester time table already shared and is available at All lectures of the designated online course duly vetted by the Moderators and HODs are uploaded on the University portal (LMS) on regular basis. IT Support Committee (ISC) is efficiently maintaining the IT system and technological infrastructure of GCWUF and university library is making efforts to develop online library system to ensure availability of required e-books and other reference materials for students and teaching faculty. Under visionary leadership of Worthy Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr Robina Farooq, GCWUF has now successfully shifted from the conventional/traditional learning to e-learning education system.