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Our Alumni Our Pride

Our Alumni Our Pride "Under the spotlight of student success, we are thrilled to share the news of Kaneez Fatima Ahsan, an alumna of our Visual Communication Design (VCD) program from the Department of Art and Design Her debut book, 'You on You,' has been selected for display at the prestigious Vasal Artist 6th Book Art Fair in Sharjah. This masterpiece, illustrating the profound 12 rules of karma, emerged from Kaneez Fatima's final project under the guidance of our brilliant faculty member, Ms. Sadia Mehmood and support of the Incharge of Department Miss Tooba. Congratulations to Kaneez Fatima on this remarkable achievement???a testament to talent, dedication, and the transformative power of art." #gcwuf #womenuniversity #gcwufofficial #gcwufalumni