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Clinical Pharmacogenetics Research Group

Biochemistry has enjoyed an intimate relationship with medicine illuminating many aspects of human health and diseases. It helps us to understand the chemical aspects of biological processes, plays a huge role in the development of novel new scientific approaches. The Clinical Pharmacogenomics Group aims to personalize medicine by studying DNA vari....

Industrial Biotechnology Research Group

Dr. Salma Shahid is group leader of Industrial Biotechnology Research group in the Department of Biochemistry, Govt. College Women University, Faisalabad, Pakistan. This Research group covers research activities related to Biocomposites: Production, Optimization, and characterization of Bioplastics. Their role in upgrading Pakistan???s plastic Indu....

Molecular Biochemistry Research Group

Dr.Sumera Shaheen is group leader of Molecular Biochemistry group in the Department of Biochemistry, Govt. College Women University, Faisalabad, Pakistan. Focus of research of this group is on; DNA,RNA and Protein work with emphasis on Gene Expression Regulation, Genetic Engineering, Cell Lines. This research group is interested to work on molecul....


Biochemistry??is the application of chemistry to the study of biological processes at the cellular and molecular level. It emerged as a distinct discipline around the beginning of the 20th century by combining chemistry, physiology and biology to investigate the principles of chemistry in living systems. The Government College Women University Faisalabad (GCWUF) was upgraded from college to university in 2013 and the Department of Biochemistry was developed at GCWUF in 2016. The department is offering academic programs which have been designed according to HEC guidelines to meet the needs of skillful researchers and scientists to serve in different sectors of education, health, agriculture and industry in the country. The department is providing quality education with highly qualified faculty members nearly all are holders of Doctorate Degrees with specializations in disciplines of Molecular, Clinical, Medicinal, Industrial and Enzyme Biochemistry. Currently, the Department is offering academic programs in discipline of i) Biochemistry ii) Biotechnology and iii) Medical Lab Technology (MLT) for the students at BS level. Efforts are underway to provide good teaching and research facilities in these disciplines with adequate laboratory and modem library facilities in stimulating environment. In recent age, Biochemistry has furnished with the learnings of cell biology, molecular biology, protein chemistry and computational biology to reveal the molecular mechanisms of fundamental biological processes. Biotechnology deals with the scientific manipulation of living organisms and biological processes to produce useful products for the benefits of human life. The discipline of medical laboratory technology provides the necessary skills and training to students for future specialization in clinical biochemistry. Currently, the department is also motivated for developing linkages with other academic and commercial organizations.


The vision of Department of Biochemistry is to contribute potentially in achieving the national and global goals of empowering women through academics and research.


Mission of the department is to educate the female students with learning of advanced skills and research techniques in the disciplines of Biochemistry, Biotechnology and Medical Laboratory Technology for achieving relevant SDGs. Provision of an environment conducive for academics and research is a priority of the department to meet the recent challenges in these disciplines, and to prepare the graduates for a successful carrier in these disciplines and related fields by imparting personality development skills.

BS Biochemistry [Four Years Degree Programme ]

  • Program Duration: 4 Years
  • Eligibility Criteria: F.Sc (Pre-Medical/ Pre-Engineering) or equivalent with at least 45 % marks (2nd Division)
  • Seats Allocation :  Morning 60 / Evening 100
  • All Fee Structures: See More Details ...
  • Scheme of Study: See More Details ...


Assistant Professor, Biochemistry


Associate Professor, Biochemistry


Assistant Professor, Biochemistry


Associate Professor, Biochemistry


Assistant Professor, Biochemistry


Junior Clerk, Biochemistry


Assistant Professor, Biochemistry


Assistant Professor, Biochemistry


Assistant Professor, Biochemistry


Assistant Professor, Biochemistry


Visiting Lecturer, Biochemistry


Visiting Lecturer, Biochemistry


Visiting Lecturer, Biochemistry


Visiting Lecturer, Biochemistry


Visiting Lecturer, Biochemistry


Visiting Lecturer, Biochemistry


Lecturer, Biochemistry


Lecturer, Biochemistry


Lecturer, Biochemistry


Lecturer, Biochemistry


Lecturer, Biochemistry


Lecturer, Biochemistry


Lecturer, Biochemistry


Lecturer, Biochemistry


Assistant Professor, Biochemistry


Lecturer, Biochemistry

03-Days International Conference Cum Workshop on Natural Products: Biological and Pharmaceutical Applications

The Department of biochemistry, GCWUF and Riphah International University, Faisalabad are jointly organizing 2nd National and 1st Internatio...

Day 3: 03-Days International Conference Cum Workshop on Natural Products: Biological and Pharmaceutical Applications (Hybrid) on 18-20 December 2024.

The 3rd day of the event was mainly the workshop day except some talks from experts of the fields. After recitation and Naat Sharif, Prof. D...

Day 3 Activity/Workshop: 03-Days International Conference Cum Workshop on Natural Products: Biological and Pharmaceutical Applications (Hybrid) on 18-20 December 2024.

The 3rd day activity was ended with a note of thanks by Chairperson Department of Biochemistry to Worthy Vice Chancellor- GCWUF, Pro VC- GCW...

Day 1: 03-Days International Conference Cum Workshop on Natural Products: Biological and Pharmaceutical Applications(Hybrid) on 18-20 December 2024.

Following the progressive vision of the Worthy Vice Chancellor, Prof. Dr. Kanwal Ameen (T.I.), The staff and administration of Government Co...

Day 2: 03-Days International Conference Cum Workshop on Natural Products: Biological and Pharmaceutical Applications(Hybrid) on 18-20 December 2024.

The 2nd day of the event was organized at GCWUF. Two Vice Chancellors honored the event at closing ceremony at Jinnah Auditorium. The Chief ...

One Day Webinar

Microplastics, Analysis and Characterization in Drinking Water Dated 18 Jan...

One Day Webinar

Clinical Aspects of Neutraceutics dated 9 February...

Report 03-Days International Conference Cum Workshop ???Natural Products: Biological and Pharmaceutical Applications???

The 2nd National and 1st International 03 Days Conference Cum Workshop on ???Natural Products: Biological and Pharmaceutical Applications???...

03-Days International Conference Cum Workshop Natural Products: Biological and Pharmaceutical Applications

The 2nd National and 1st International 03 Days Conference Cum Workshop on Natural Products: Biological and Pharmaceutical Applications (Hybr...


1. Books

2. Research Paper

DR. MUBSHARA SAADIA.In: Antioxidant, hypolycemic, antilipidemic, and protective effect of polyherbal emulsion (F6-SMONSECCE) on alloxan-induced diabetic rats,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2470-1343,omega;omega,25-MAY-23. p.1-10
DR. SAADIA BASHEER.In: Glutathione-Dependent Formaldehyde Dehydrogenase Homolog from Bacillus subtilis Strain R5 is a Propanol-Preferring Alcohol Dehydrogenase,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,Nil,Springer ;Springer,20-JAN-17. p.13-23
DR. SAADIA BASHEER.In: Identification of a novel copper-activated and halide-tolerant laccase in Geobacillus thermopakistaniensis,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,Nil,Springer (SpringerLink);SpringerLink,17-MAR-17. p.563-571
DR. SAADIA BASHEER.In: A phytobeneficial strain Planomicrobium sp. MSSA???10 triggered oxidative stress responsive mechanisms and regulated the growth of pea plants under induced saline environment,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,1365-2672,Society for Applied Microbiology.;Society for Applied Microbiology.,07-MAR-18. p.1566-1579
DR. SAADIA BASHEER.In: Article A highly stable laccase from Bacillus subtilis strain R5: gene cloning and characterization,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,Nil,Taylor and Francis Online;Taylor and Francis Online,20-SEP-18. p.436-445
BUSHRA MUNIR.In: Exploration of Carica papaya bioactive compounds as potential inhibitors of dengue NS2B, NS3 and NS5 protease,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,1011-601X,University of Karachi ;Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Karachi ,09-JAN-20. p.355-360
DR.KAUSAR PARVEEN.In: Analysis of Aflatoxins in the cereals from hepatic affected areas in Faisalabad, Pakistan,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,1560-8530, Online:1814-9596,http://www.fspublishers.org;fspublishers.org,20-AUG-08. p.140-144
DR.NAILA RAFIQ.In: Morphobio- chemical analysis of salinity stress Resonse of wheat.,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,0556-3321,https://scopus.com;Scopus,18-SEP-06. p.759-1767
DR.NAILA RAFIQ.In: Elevated genetic deletion of GSTT1 in Pakistani population,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,0449-0576,https://scopus.com;Scopus,08-JAN-13. p.2-5
DR.NAILA RAFIQ.In: Chemical composition and in vitro evaluation of antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of essential oils extracted from seven eucalptus species,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,1420-3049,https://scopus.com;Scopus,08-JAN-15. p.20487-20498
DR.NAILA RAFIQ.In: Association of pulmonary infections of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis with biochemical and demographic parameters. .,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2454-6348,https://scopus.com;Scopus,02-JAN-17. p.69-77
DR.NAILA RAFIQ.In: Chemical and biological analysis of the extract from the plant Rumexhastatus for its secondry metabolites,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2454-6348,https://scopus.com;Scopus,03-APR-17. p.40-44
DR.NAILA RAFIQ.In: Acidic and enzymatic saccharifcation of waste agricultural biomass for biotechnological production of xylitol,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,1752-153X,https://scopus.com;Scopus,06-JUN-17. p.6-6
DR.NAILA RAFIQ.In: Study of effect of physical mutagensis on Production of glucose oxidase in Aspergillus niger,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2230-9926,https://scopus.com;Scopus,02-JUL-17. p.15335-15343
DR.NAILA RAFIQ.In: Comparative tudy for Optimization of Nutritional Parameters for Enhanced Production of Glucose Oxidase from Wild and Mutants Strains of A. niger ,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,0976-8610,https://scopus.com;Scopus,05-JUL-17. p.1-13
DR.NAILA RAFIQ.In: Socio-demographic and co-morbidity study of TB patients from selected areas of punjab Pakistan,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2454-6348,https://scopus.com;Scopus,02-AUG-17. p.109-121
DR.SALMA SHAHID.In: Review: chemical shrinkage characterization techniques for thermoset resins and associated composite,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,1573-4803,Nill;Nill,04-FEB-13. p.5387-5409
DR.SALMA SHAHID.In: Impact of carbon source and variable nitrogen conditions on bacterial biosynthesis of Polyhydroxyalkanoates: evidence of an atypical metabolism in Bacillus megaterium DSM 509,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2693-2504,Nill;Nill,01-MAR-13. p.302-308
DR.SALMA SHAHID.In: Impact of hydrophobic treatment of jute on moisture regain and mechanical properties of composite material,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,0731-6844,Nill;Nill,10-JUL-15. p.2059-2068
DR.SALMA SHAHID.In: Modelling the effect of weave structure and fabric thread density on mechanical and comfort properties of woven fabrics,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2300-0929,Nill;Nill,08-FEB-16. p.160-164
DR.SALMA SHAHID.In: Bioactive woven flax based composites: development and characterization,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,1528-0837,Nill;Nill,24-JUN-16. p.549-561
DR.SALMA SHAHID.In: Novel derivatives of 3D woven T-shaped composites with improved performance,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,0731-6844,Nill;Nill,31-MAY-18. p.267-273
DR.SALMA SHAHID.In: Cellulosic Fillers Extracted from Argyreia Speciose Waste: A Potential Reinforcement for Composites to Enhance Properties,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,Nill,Nill;Nill,01-JAN-20. p.1-10
DR.SALMA SHAHID.In: Cellulosic fillers extracted from Argyreia speciose waste: a potential reinforcement for composites to enhance properties,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,,Nill;Nill,01-JAN-20. p.1-1
DR.SALMA SHAHID.In: Effect of glass microspheres and fabric weave structure on mechanical performance of hemp/green epoxy composites,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,1548-0569,Nill;Nill,07-AUG-20. p.4771-4787
DR.TANZILA SAHAR.In: Screening of Phytoconstituents, Investigation of Antioxidant and Antibacterial Activity of Methanolic and Aqueous Extracts of Cucumis sativus L. ,editor,(eds.)title series title and number, ISSN(0253-5106),Journal of the Chemical Society of Pakistan ;nil,11-SEP-13. p.456-462
DR.TANZILA SAHAR.In: Hyper-production of Glucose Oxidase (GOX) from Aspergillus niger by using Chemical Mutagenesis. Journal of pour and applied microbiology.,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,Nil,Journal of pour and applied microbiology;nil,11-MAR-15. p.963-972
DR.TANZILA SAHAR.In: Study of effect of Physical Mutagensis on Production of Glucose Oxidase in Aspergillus niger. ,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,ISSN 2229-5518,nil;nil,11-FEB-17. p.15335-15343
DR.TANZILA SAHAR.In: Comparative Study For Optimization Of Nutritional Parameters For Enhanced Production Of Glucose Oxidase From Wild And Mutants Strains Of A. Niger. ,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,Nil,nil;nil,11-AUG-17. p.1-13
DR.TANZILA SAHAR.In: Strain improvement of newly isolated Lactobacillus acidophilus MS1 for enhanced bacteriocin production,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,Nil,nil;nil,11-AUG-17. p.1-1
DR.TANZILA SAHAR.In: Solid state fermentation of aspergillus niger for citric acid production using agriculture residue as substrate. ,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,Nil,nil;nil,12-MAR-18. p.27-38
DR.TANZILA SAHAR.In: Statistical optimization of fungal laccase produced by solid state fermentation. ,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,Nil,nil;nil,12-AUG-18. p.1-1
DR.TANZILA SAHAR.In: Complications of Diabetes: An Insight into Genetic Polymorphism and Role of Insulin,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,Nil,nil;nil,12-SEP-18. p.1-9
DR.TANZILA SAHAR.In: Development of regression model for bacteriocin production from local of Lactobacillus acidophilus MS1 using Box-Behnken design. ,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,ISSN: 1878-8181,nil;nil,20-MAR-20. p.1-1
DR.TANZILA SAHAR.In: . Ecofriendly Green Synthesis of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles Using citrus sinensis.,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,Nil,nil;nil,12-SEP-20. p.1-1
DR. SUMERA SHAHEEN.In: Cloning and Phylogenetic Analysis of RNA Helicase p68 Encoding DDX5 Gene from Human MCF7 Cell Line ,editor,(eds.)title series title and number, 1560???8530,Nil;Nil,28-FEB-14. p.649-652
DR. SUMERA SHAHEEN.In: Hyperexpression of xylanase from 2- deoxyglucose (2-DG) resistant mutant of Chaetomium thermophilum,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,0253-5106,Nil;Chemical Society of Pakistan,30-JAN-17. p.695-700
DR. SUMERA SHAHEEN.In: Association of Bio-Inflammatory Markers CRP,Interlukin-6 with Glucose level in Obese type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Pakistani Patients,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,1590-8577,Nil;Nil,01-JAN-18. p.282-286
DR. SUMERA SHAHEEN.In: Role of Vitamin D (VDR) Gene Receptor Polymorphism in Onset of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2475-6245,Nil;Nil,10-JAN-19. p.7-15
DR.SADAF SALEEM.In: A phenotypic study of N-acetyltransferase 1in local human population for determination of N-acetyl metabolite of 5-ASA. ,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,11(2),Nil;Nil,01-FEB-13. p.102-106
DR.SADAF SALEEM.In: Effect of acetaminophen on sulfamethazine acetylation in male volunteer. International journal of immunopathology and pharmacology.,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,DOI: 10.1177/0394632015593238 ,Nil;NIL,05-FEB-15. p.17-22
DR.SADAF SALEEM.In: Chemical Composition and in-Vitro Evaluation of the Antimicrobial and Antioxidant Activities of Essential Oils Extracted from Seven Eucalyptus Species,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,20(11),Nil;Nil,05-OCT-15. p.487-498
DR.SADAF SALEEM.In: Acidic and enzymatic saccharification of waste agricultural biomass for biotechnological production of xylitol. ,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,DOI 10.1186/s13065-017-0331-z,Nil;Nil,12-SEP-17. p.1-6
3. Chapter Contributed

4. Seminar Information

5. Conference Proceeding