DR. NOREEN ZAHRA.In: Rice production systems and grain quality,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,0733-5210,Academic Press Inc.;Academic Press Inc.,06-MAY-22. p.1-23
DR. SUMERA ANWAR.In: Integrated hormonal and nutrient management promote fruit retention and quality traits of Citrus reticulata,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,0190-4167,Nil;Nil,01-FEB-22. p.83-100
DR. SUMERA ANWAR.In: Determination and detoxification of aflatoxin and ochratoxin in maize from different regions of Pakistan,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,01676369,Nil;Nil,27-JUL-22. p.1-14
DR. SUMERA ANWAR.In: Physiological and biochemical responses of Phragmites australis to wastewater for different time duration,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,0137-5881,Nil;Nil,08-OCT-22. p.1-14
DR. SUMERA ANWAR.In: Interactive Effects of Soil and Foliar-Applied Nanobiochar on Growth, Metabolites, and Nutrient Composition in Daucus carota,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,07217595,Nil;Nil,09-OCT-22. p.1-15
DR. SUMERA ANWAR.In: Optimal Nitrogen Rate Increases Water and Nitrogen Use Efficiencies of Maize under Fully Mulched Ridge???Furrow System on the Loess Plateau,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2077-0472,Nil;Nil,29-OCT-22. p.2-18
DR. SUMERA ANWAR.In: Zinc oxide nanoparticles as potential hallmarks for enhancing drought stress tolerance in wheat seedlings,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,0981-9428,Nil;Nil,11-JAN-23. p.341-350
DR. MAHAM SADDIQUE.In: Mitigation of Drought stress-induced adverse effects on antioxidant system of eggplant by exogenous application of alpha-tocopherol,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,ISSN 1560-8530,FRIENDS SCIENCE PUBL, 399-B, PEOPLES COLONY NO 1, FAISALABAD, PAKISTAN, 38090;FRIENDS SCIENCE PUBL,31-JAN-19. p.971-978
MS. TANZILA RAFIQUE.In: Morpho-anatomical and physiological attributes for salt tolerance in sewan grass (Lasiurus scindicus Henr.) from Cholistan Desert Pakistan. ,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,0137-5881,Nil;Nil,11-SEP-14. p.2959-2974
MS. TANZILA RAFIQUE.In: Bismuth vanadate: an efficient photocatalyst for rupturing of microalgae cell wall,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2053-1591,Nil;IOP,01-MAY-19. p.1-9
MS. TANZILA RAFIQUE.In: Performance of green manuring for soil health and crop yield improvement,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2304-2478,Nil;Nil,16-MAY-19. p.1543-1553
MS. TANZILA RAFIQUE.In: Isolation of Several Indigenous Microalgae from Kallar Kahar Lake, Chakwal Pakistan,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2322-2921,Nil;National Institute of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology,01-JUL-20. p.70-79
DR. AREEJ JAVAID.In: Combining ability analysis for within-boll yield components in upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.),editor,(eds.)title series title and number,1676-5680,Av. Treze de Maio, 861 Jardim Paulistano CEP 14090-270 Ribeir??o Preto, SP | Brasil;FUNEPC-RP, Ribeirao Preto, SP (Brazil),24-AUG-12. p.2790-2800
DR. AREEJ JAVAID.In: Genetic analysis of earliness indicators in upland cotton,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2018-2020,Agricultural University of Tirana, Koder Kamez, Tirana, Albania;Agricultural University of Tirana, Albania,08-MAY-13. p.167-172
DR. AREEJ JAVAID.In: Genetic basis of some yield components in Gossypium hirsutum L.,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,0552-9034,University of Agriculture, Jail road, Faisalabad;University of Agriculture, Jail road, Faisalabad,30-JUN-14. p.143-146
DR. AREEJ JAVAID.In: Biometrical analysis of variability in plant height and seed cotton yield in Gossypium hirsutum under water stress conditions,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,0552-9034,University of Agriculture, Jail road, Faisalabad;University of Agriculture, Jail road, Faisalabad,01-JUN-15. p.309-315
DR. AREEJ JAVAID.In: Assessment of Allelic Diversity among drought Related Cotton Genotypes Using Microsatellite Markers,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,1676-5680,Av. Treze de Maio, 861 Jardim Paulistano CEP 14090-270 Ribeir??o Preto, SP | Brasil;FUNEPC-RP, Ribeirao Preto, SP (Brazil),31-MAR-17. p.1-9
DR. AREEJ JAVAID.In: Boosting antioxidant defense mechanism of mungbean with foliar application of gibberellic acid to alleviate cadmium toxicity,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2662-253X,Headquarters in London (global);SpringerNature,06-NOV-21. p.741-748
DR. AREEJ JAVAID.In: Physicochemical, Molecular and Cultural Identification of Microbial Pathogens in Wastewater Irrigated Crops,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,1230-1485,Poland;Nil,12-JUL-22. p.3779-3787
DR. AREEJ JAVAID.In: Concentrational study of nutrients related to chelators assisted sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) from artificially cadmium-contaminated soil,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,1439-040X,Germany;Nil,05-MAR-23. p.41-47
DR. IRFANA LALARUKH.In: INSECTICIDAL AND GROWTH INHIBITORY IMPACT OF DIFFERENT PLANT EXTRACTS ON Tribolium castaneum (HERBST),editor,(eds.)title series title and number, 2076-0906,Nil;Nil,25-JUN-21. p.993-998
DR. IRFANA LALARUKH.In: Growth stage-based response of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) to kinetin under water-deficit environment: pigments and gas exchange attributes,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,1651-1913,Nil;Nil,23-JUN-14. p.501-510
DR. IRFANA LALARUKH.In: Detection of heavy metal contents in meat and milk of buffaloes from area of Ring road and Kasur Lahore,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2229-712X,Nil;Nil,28-JUL-16. p.41851-41858
DR. IRFANA LALARUKH.In: Alpha-Tocopherol Induced Modulations in Morpho-Physiological Attributes of Sunflower (Helianthus annuus) Grown under Saline Environment,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,1560???8530,Nil;Nil,15-MAR-18. p.661-668
DR. IRFANA LALARUKH.In: Impact of alpha-tocopherol seed priming on accumulation of osmolytes and ion homeostasis in sunflower (Helianthus annuus) under salt stress,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,1560???8530,Nil;Nil,10-OCT-20. p.1672-1680
DR. IRFANA LALARUKH.In: PUISSANCE OF NATURE???S WISDOM FOOD GRADE DIATOMACEOUS EARTH AGAINST Tribolium castaneum (HERBST); A STEP TOWARDS ECOFRIENDLY PEST MANAGEMENT,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,0552-903,Nil;Nil,18-APR-21. p.539-546
DR. IRFANA LALARUKH.In: Drought stress alleviation by Potassium-Nitrate-containing Chitosan/Montmorillonite microparticles confers changes in Spinacia oleracea L.,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2071-1050,Nil;Nil,03-SEP-21. p.1-15
DR. IRFANA LALARUKH.In: Chemical role of ??-tocopherol in salt stress mitigation by improvement in morpho-physiological attributes of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.).,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,1319-562X,Nil;Nil,25-MAR-22. p.1386-1393
DR. IRFANA LALARUKH.In: Molecular diversity estimates of Pakistani citrus rootstocks,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2788-4546,Nil;Nil,28-MAR-22. p.9-17
DR. IRFANA LALARUKH.In: Associative effects of activated carbon biochar and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on wheat for reducing nickel food chain bioavailability,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2352-1864,Nil;Nil,25-MAY-22. p.1-13
DR. RASHDA NAHEED.In: Induction of Somaclonal Variation in Selected Drought Sensitive Genotype of Sugarcane (Sachharum officinarum),editor,(eds.)title series title and number,ISSN Print: 1560???8530; ,P-945, E-Small Estate BorrayWal/Link Sargodha Road, Fsd-38040, Pakistan P;Friends Publishers,17-APR-18. p.777-783
DR. RASHDA NAHEED.In: Acclimatization of drought tolerance with Somaclonal variants of sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.),editor,(eds.)title series title and number,ISSN 2310-5380,Centre of Excellence in Molecular Biology (CEMB), 87-West Bank, Canal Road, Lahore ??? Pakistan;CEMB,25-NOV-20. p.57-62
DR. ABIDA KAUSAR.In: Alleviation of salt stress in pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.) through seed treatments,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,17730155, 17740746,Avignon France;A journal of the French National Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment (INRAE),07-FEB-02. p.227-234
DR. ABIDA KAUSAR.In: Development of genetic linkage map of leaf hairiness in cotton using molecular markers,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,0556-3321, 2070-3368,Pakistan Journal of Botany, Botanical Garden, University of Karachi, Karachi, Pakistan;University of Karachi,01-JAN-09. p.162-163
DR. ABIDA KAUSAR.In: Effects of Dalbergia sissoo Roxb. leaf extract on some associated crop species of agro forestry,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,0971-4693, 0973-5046,International Allelopathy Foundation, Rohtak, India;international allelopathy foundation,11-FEB-09. p.221-226
DR. ABIDA KAUSAR.In: Development of genetic linkage map of leaf in cotton using DNA markers,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,0556-3321, 2070-3368,Pakistan Journal of Botany, Botanical Garden, University of Karachi, Karachi, Pakistan;University of Karachi,09-SEP-09. p.112-133
DR. ABIDA KAUSAR.In: Evaluation of sorghum varieties/lines for salt tolerance using physiological indices as screen tool,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,0556-3321, 2070-3368,Pakistan Journal of Botany, Botanical Garden, University of Karachi, Karachi, Pakistan;University of Karachi,09-SEP-12. p.47-52
DR. ABIDA KAUSAR.In: Some physiological and genetic determinants of salt tolerance in sorghum ,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,0556-3321, 2070-3368,Pakistan Journal of Botany, Botanical Garden, University of Karachi, Karachi, Pakistan;University of Karachi,01-JAN-14. p.515-519
DR. ABIDA KAUSAR.In: EVALUATION OF WHEAT GENOTYPES FOR SALINITY TOLERANCE USING PHYSIOLOGICAL INDICES AS SCREENING TOOL ,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,0556-3321, 2070-3368,Pakistan Journal of Botany, Botanical Garden, University of Karachi, Karachi, Pakistan;University of Karachi,09-JAN-15. p.397-405
MS. FOZIA FARHAT.In: Recent Insight into signalling responses to cope the drought stress in rice,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,,Elsevier B.V. on behalf of China National Rice Research Institute;Elsevier,01-JAN-70. p.0-0
MS. FOZIA FARHAT.In: Modulation of Ionic and Water Status by Moringa oleifera Extract against Cadmium Toxicity in Wheat (Triticum aestivum),editor,(eds.)title series title and number,1560???8530,Department of Veterinary Parasitology University of Agriculture Faisalabad-38040, Pakistan;Friends Publishers,17-DEC-18. p.2692-2700
MS. FOZIA FARHAT.In: Moringa leaf extract and ascorbic acid evoke potentially beneficial antioxidants especially phenolic in wheat grown under cadmium,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2070-3368 (Online) 0556-3321 (Print),Pakistan Journal of Botany, Botanical Garden, University of Karachi, Karachi, Pakistan;Botanical Society,05-MAY-21. p.2033-2040
MS. FOZIA FARHAT.In: Screening of maize (Zea mays L.) genotypes for drought tolerance using photosynthetic pigments and anti-oxidative enzymes as selection criteria,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2070-3368 (Online) 0556-3321 (Print),Pakistan Journal of Botany, Botanical Garden, University of Karachi, Karachi, Pakistan;Botanical Society,25-MAY-21. p.1-13
MS. FOZIA FARHAT.In: Growth attributes, biochemical modulations, antioxidant enzymatic metabolism and yield in Brassica napus varieties for salinity tolerance.,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,1319-562X,Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences, Saudi Arabia;Elsevier,12-JUL-21. p.5469-5479
MS. FOZIA FARHAT.In: Exogenous Application of Methionine and Phenylalanine Confers Salinity Tolerance in Tomato by Concerted Regulation of Metabolites and Antioxidants.,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,0718-9516 (Electronics) 0718-9508 (Print),Springer Nature Switzerland AG. Part of Springer Nature;Springer, Nature,17-AUG-21. p.1-13
MS. IRUM SHAHZADI.In: Foliar application of selenium increases fertility and grain yield in bread wheat under contrasting water availability regimes,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,1861-1664,Nill;Nill,21-JUL-17. p.173-184
DR. SHAMEEM RAJA.In: Screening of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) genotypes at different salinity levels,editor,(eds.)title series title and number, ISSN: 2006-9758, UAF;UAF, NIAB,30-MAR-12. p.94-100
DR. SHAMEEM RAJA.In: Socio-economic background of wastewater irrigation and bioaccumulation of heavy metals in crops and vegetables,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,ISSN: 0378-3774, UAF;UAF,26-APR-15. p.26-34
DR. SHAMEEM RAJA.In: Tracing Transmission of Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica in Tomato Fruits ,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,ISSN: 1560???8530, UAF;UAF,17-JUN-15. p.1255-1259
DR. SHAMEEM RAJA.In: Impact of row spacing on the growth and yield parameters of lentil (Lens culinaris L) under semi-arid region of Pakistan,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2076-0906,https://www.pakjas.com.pk/;https://www.pakjas.com.pk/,23-OCT-20. p.945-950
DR. SHAMEEM RAJA.In: Potential effects of biochar application on mitigating the drought stress implications on wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under various growth stages,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,,https://www.sciencedirect.com/;sciencedirect,12-NOV-20. p.974-981
DR. SHAMEEM RAJA.In: Physicochemical, Molecular and Cultural Identification of Microbial Pathogens in Wastewater Irrigated Crops,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,,https://www.pjoes.com/;https://www.pjoes.com/,07-JAN-22. p.3779-3787
DR. SHAMEEM RAJA.In: Genetic Behavior of Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) Germplasm Governing Heavy Metal Tolerance and Yield Traits under Wastewater Irrigation,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2223-7747,https://www.mdpi.com/journal/plants;https://www.mdpi.com/journal/plants,11-MAR-22. p.2973-2973
DR. NOREEN AKHTER.In: Leaf anatomical and biochemical adaptations in Typha domingensis Pers. ecotypes for salinity tolerance,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,20074298, 20074476,Research & Reviews 15th Floor, North Block, Divyasree SEZ Campus Raidurg, Hyderabad 500 081 INDIA;Sociedad Botanica de Mexico,04-OCT-17. p.52-55
DR. RIFFAT BATOOL.In: Photosynthetic response of three aquatic species of Schoenoplectus (Reichenb.) palla under salt stress,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,Nil,Nil;Nil,01-JAN-70. p.2-11
DR. RIFFAT BATOOL.In: Impact of highly saline wetland ecosystem on floral diversity of the Cholistan Desert. ,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,Nil,Nil;Nil,07-DEC-12. p.107-112
DR. RIFFAT BATOOL.In: Root structural modifications in three Schoenoplectus (Reichenb.) palla species for salt tolerance. ,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,Nil,Nil;Nil,13-MAR-13. p.1969-1974
DR. RIFFAT BATOOL.In: Structural adaptations in a desert halophyte Aeluropus lagopoides (Linn.) Trin. ex Thw. under high salinities. ,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,Nil,Nil;Nil,06-MAY-13. p.150-164
DR. RIFFAT BATOOL.In: Salinity-induced structural and functional changes in 3 cultivars of Alternanthera bettzickiana (Regel) G.Nicholson. ,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,Nil,Nil;Nil,17-SEP-13. p.674-687
DR. RIFFAT BATOOL.In: Physio-anatomical adaptations in response to salt stress in a potential forage grass Sporobolus arabicus Boiss. from a salt-affected sub-mountainous region. ,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,Nil,Nil;Nil,27-OCT-13. p.715-724
DR. RIFFAT BATOOL.In: Spatio-temporal variations in some medicinally important biochemical constituents of Peganum harmala (hermal). ,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,Nil,Nil;Nil,07-NOV-13. p.601-607
DR. RIFFAT BATOOL.In: Anatomical adaptations of Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. from the Salt Range (Pakistan) to salinity stress. II. Leaf anatomy. ,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,Nil,Nil;Nil,28-NOV-13. p.133-142
DR. RIFFAT BATOOL.In: Structural features of some wheat (Triticum spp.) landraces/cultivars under drought and salt stress,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,,Nil;Nil,02-MAY-14. p.355-370
DR. RIFFAT BATOOL.In: Adaptive components of salinity tolerance in a saline desert grass Lasiurus scindicus Henrard,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,Nil,Nil;Nil,05-JUN-14. p.429-438
DR. RIFFAT BATOOL.In: Anatomical and physiological adaptations in aquatic ecotypes of Cyperus alopecuroides Rottb. under saline and waterlogged conditions,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,Nil,Nil;Nil,16-JUL-14. p.60-68
DR. RIFFAT BATOOL.In: Structural and functional response to metal toxicity in aquatic Cyperus alopecuroides Rottb. Limnologica, (Impact factor: 1.565,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,Nil,Nil;Nil,05-AUG-14. p.46-56
DR. RIFFAT BATOOL.In: Morpho-anatomical and physiological attributes for salt tolerance in sewan grass (Lasiurus scindicus Henr.) from Cholistan Desert, Pakistan. ,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,Nil,Nil;Nil,12-AUG-14. p.2959-2974
DR. RIFFAT BATOOL.In: Physiological adaptative characteristics of Imperata cylindrica (L.) Raeuschel) for salinity tolerance. ,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,Nil,Nil;Nil,22-SEP-14. p.1148-1156
DR. RIFFAT BATOOL.In: Adaptive components for salinity tolerance in Sporobolus ioclados (Nees ex Trin.) Nees from the Cholistan Desert, Pakistan,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,,Elsvier;Elsvier,24-DEC-16. p.46-55
DR. RIFFAT BATOOL.In: Genome-wide identification and expression analysis of two component system genes in Cicer arietinum,editor,(eds.)title series title and number, 10.1016/j.ygeno.2019.08.006,?? 2019 Elsevier Inc. ;?? 2019 Elsevier Inc. ,01-MAR-20. p.1371-1383
DR. RIFFAT NASIM FATIMA.In: SA modifies growth performance and nutrient status of rice (O. sativa) under cadmium stress),editor,(eds.)title series title and number,1560-8530,Department of Veterinary Parasitology University of Agriculture Faisalabad-38040, Pakistan info@fspublishers.org;FSPublishers,24-JUN-14. p.1-8
DR. RIFFAT NASIM FATIMA.In: Role of SA in improving growth, nutrients & cadmium accumulation in callus of rice under cd stress,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2414-8245,Department of Agriculture Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan, PK;Published by Pakistani Society of Scientific Research (PSSR),15-NOV-16. p.1-11
DR. RIFFAT NASIM FATIMA.In: Diterpenes from Different Fungal Sources and Their 13C-NMR Data,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,978-1-78984-776-5,IntechOpen Limited, 7th floor 10 Lower Thames Street London, EC3R 6AF, UK Phone: +44 (0)203 972 6202;Intech Open,24-APR-18. p.1-33
DR. SANA TEHSEEN.In: Evaluation of different okra genotypes for salt tolerance,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2231-4490,Nil;Nil,11-OCT-14. p.23-30
DR. SANA TEHSEEN.In: Inheritance of Fruit Traits in Capsicum annuum: Heirloom Cultivars as Sources of Quality Parameters Relating to Pericarp Shape, Color, Thickness, and Total Soluble Solids,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,00031062,113 S WEST ST, STE 200, ALEXANDRIA, USA, VA, 22314-2851;American Society for Horticultural Science,10-NOV-15. p.597-604
DR. SANA TEHSEEN.In: ASSESSMENT OF SALINITY TOLERANCE IN BELL PEPPER (CAPSICUM ANNUUM L.) GENOTYPES ON THE BASIS OF GERMINATION, EMERGENCE AND GROWTH ATTRIBUTES,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,0556- 3321,Pakistan Journal of Botany Botanical Garden, University of Karachi, Karachi, Pakistan;Pakistan Botanical Society,07-OCT-16. p.1783-1791
DR. SANA TEHSEEN.In: Evaluation of Cucumber germplasm for salinity tolerance based on early growth attributes and leaf inorganic osmolytes,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,1221- 1249,transylvanianreview@gmail.com;Nil,30-DEC-16. p.1077-1086
DR. HINA KANWAL.In: Assessment of salt tolerance of some newly developed and candidate wheat (Triticum aestivum l.) cultivars using gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence attributes,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2070-3368,Pakistan Journal of Botany, Botanical Garden, ;Nill,01-AUG-11. p.2693-2699
DR. HINA KANWAL.In: Structural adaptations for adaptability in some exotic and naturalized species of Agavaceae,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2070-3368,Pakistan Journal of Botany, Botanical Garden, ;Nill,20-FEB-12. p.129-134
DR. HINA KANWAL.In: Leaf anatomical adaptations of some halophytic and xerophytic sedges of the Punjab,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2070-3368,Pakistan Journal of Botany, Botanical Garden, ;Nill,20-FEB-12. p.159-164
DR. HINA KANWAL.In: Comparative anatomy of root and stem of some native and exotic asparagus L. species,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2070-3368,Pakistan Journal of Botany, Botanical Garden, ;Nill,20-FEB-12. p.153-158
DR. HINA KANWAL.In: Water relations and ionic composition in the seedling of some newly developed and candidate cultivars of wheat (Triticum aestivem L.) under saline conditions,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2070-3368,Pakistan Journal of Botany, Botanical Garden, ;Nill,01-OCT-13. p.1221-1227
DR. HINA KANWAL.In: Alleviation of salt stress by K2SO4 in two wheat (Triticum aestivum l.) Cultivars,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,1785 0037,H-1185 Budapest, Kassa u. 118;Nill,11-NOV-16. p.137-147
DR. MEHWISH NASEER.In: Root morpho-anatomical adaptations for drought tolerance in Cenchrus ciliaris L. ecotypes ,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,0079-2047,Wiener Strasse 21-23, A-3580 Horn, Austria;Nil,30-JUN-15. p.159-179
DR. MEHWISH NASEER.In: Morpho-anatomical and physiological adaptations to high altitude in some Aveneae grasses ,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,0137-5881,Nil;Springer,01-APR-16. p.1-14
DR. MEHWISH NASEER.In: Adaptations for salinity tolerance in Sporobolus ioclados (Nees exTrin.) Nees from saline desert,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,0367-2530,Nil;Science Direct,01-AUG-16. p.46-55
DR. MEHWISH NASEER.In: TRIBE ANDROPOGONEAE FROM NEELUM VALLEY, AZAD JAMMU AND KASHMIR: PHYLOGENY BASED ON MORPHO-ANATOMY,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2070-3368,0556-3321,Nil;Nil,06-MAY-17. p.73-82
DR. MEHWISH NASEER.In: Photosynthetic response in buttonwood (Conocarpus erectus L.) to salt stress,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2070-3368,0556-3321,Nil;Nil,03-JUN-17. p.847-856
DR. MEHWISH NASEER.In: GROWTH ATTRIBUTES AND DISTRIBUTIONAL PATTERN OF HALOPHYTIC CYPERUS LAEVIGATUS L. ,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2070-3368,0556-3321,Nil;Nil,06-OCT-17. p.697-707
DR. MEHWISH NASEER.In: Structural and Functional Aspects of Salt Tolerance in Ecotypes of Aeluropus lagopoides,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,1560-8530,1814-9596,Nil;Nil,01-JAN-18. p.41-51
DR. MEHWISH NASEER.In: Structural modifications for drought tolerance in Cenchrus ciliaris L. ecotypes ,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,0367-2530,Nil;Nil,01-DEC-19. p.1-11
DR. MEHWISH NASEER.In: Palynological features of medicinal plants from Salt Ranges of Pakistan,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2313-8629,Nil;Nil,28-DEC-19. p.29-37
DR. MEHWISH NASEER.In: Survival Strategies in Khavi grass [Cymbopogon jwarancusa (Jones) Schult.] colonizing hot hypersaline and arid environments,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,1573-2932,Nill;Nill,15-FEB-21. p.1-17
MS. ANNAM ZIKREA.In: Rivina humilis L.: A potential source of antimicrobials and antioxidants,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,0253-5106,University of Karachi, Karachi;H.E.J. Research Institute of Chemistry, International Center for Chemical and Biological Sciences,01-JUN-13. p.84-98
MS. ANNAM ZIKREA.In: Ethnobotanical studies of herbs of Agra Valley, Parachinar, Upper Kurram Agency, Pakistan,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,1810-2719,Karachi;University of Karachi,01-JAN-14. p.71-83
MS. ANNAM ZIKREA.In: Ethnobotanical studies of shrubs and trees of Agra Valley, Parachinar, Upper Kurram Agency, Pakistan,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2616-8758,Karachi;Federal Urdu University of Arts, Science and Technology,01-JAN-14. p.73-81
MS. ANNAM ZIKREA.In: Ethnobotanical survey of important herbaceous plants of Kotli, AJK,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2313 ??? 206X,Lahore;GC University,01-JAN-14. p.11-22
MS. ANNAM ZIKREA.In: Anthelminthic analysis of local weeds of Punjab viz. Trianthema portulacastrum and Zaleya pentandra,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2220-6655,E-929, KADIRGONJ, PS BOALIA, RAJSHAHI, BANGLADESH;Nil,11-OCT-16. p.81-91
MS. ANNAM ZIKREA.In: Antibacterial potential of the crude extracts of Trianthema portulacastrum,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2220-6655,E-929, KADIRGONJ, PS BOALIA, RAJSHAHI, BANGLADESH;Nil,11-DEC-16. p.19-27
MS. ANNAM ZIKREA.In: Anthelminthic analysis of family Sterculiaceae viz. Firmiana simplex and Dombeya burgessiae,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2220-6655,E-929, KADIRGONJ, PS BOALIA, RAJSHAHI, BANGLADESH;Nil,12-NOV-17. p.77-85
MS. ARNEEB TARIQ.In: GLYCINEBETAINE INDUCED MODULATION IN OXIDATIVE DEFENSE SYSTEM AND MINERAL NUTRIENTS SESAME (SESAMUM INDICUM L.) UNDER SALINE REGIMES,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2070-3368,Pakistan Journal of Botany Botanical Garden, University of Karachi, Karachi, Pakistan;University of Karachi,15-MAR-20. p.775-782
MS. ARNEEB TARIQ.In: In vitro Micropropagation of Citrullus colocynthis (L.) Schrad: an endangered medicinal plant,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2310-5380,University of the Punjab;University of the Punjab,27-NOV-20. p.52-56
MS. ARNEEB TARIQ.In: Moringa leaf extract and ascorbic acid evoke potentially beneficial antioxidants especially phenolics in wheat grown under cadmium stress,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2070-3368,University of Karachi;Pakistan Botanical society,23-JUN-21. p.2033-2040
DR. RUMANA SADIQ.In: Mungbean: A Nickel Indicator, Accumulator or Excluder?,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,0007-4861 ,Nil;Nil,10-JUL-07. p.319-324
DR. RUMANA SADIQ.In: Toxic Effect of Ni on Growth and Metabolism in Germinating Seeds of Sunflower,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,0163-4984 ,Nil;Nil,15-JAN-11. p.695-703
DR. RUMANA SADIQ.In: Exog. Application of EDTA & OA Improve Seed Germination & Enzymes Activities of Sunflower Under Cd,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,1560???8530,Nil;Nil,14-MAY-15. p.117-124
DR. RUMANA SADIQ.In: Morpho-Anatomical Changes in Roots of Chickpea under Drought Stress Condition,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2161-6264,Nil;Nil,01-JAN-16. p.1-9
DR. RUMANA SADIQ.In: Acceleration of Cd Phytoextraction by Sunflower in Collaboration of EDTA),editor,(eds.)title series title and number,1818-6769,Nil;Nil,01-APR-16. p.577-583
DR. RUMANA SADIQ.In: Ameliorative Effect of Chelating Agents on Photosynthetic Attributes of Cd Stressed Sunflower ,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2156-8553,Nil;Nil,04-FEB-17. p.149-160
DR. RUMANA SADIQ.In: Allelochemicals as Growth Stimulators for Drought Stressed Maize,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2158-2742,Nil;Nil,17-APR-17. p.985-997
DR. RUMANA SADIQ.In: Outcomes of gemmo-modified plant combinations against chronic hypertension and tachycardia,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,0975-833X,Nil;Nil,30-MAR-18. p.426-433
DR. RUMANA SADIQ.In: Vulnerability of Sunflower Germination and Metal Translocation under Heavy Metals Contamination,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,Online: 2158-2750, Print: 2158-2742,Nil;Nil,23-MAY-19. p.738-751
DR. RUMANA SADIQ.In: Antibacterial and Antifungal Activity of Ficus carica Plant Extract,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2456-9119,Nil;Nil,29-MAR-21. p.1-9
DR. RUMANA SADIQ.In: Antibacterial and Antifungal Activity of Plant Extracts from Spinacia oleraceae L. (Amaranthaceae),editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2456-9119,Nil;Nil,14-APR-21. p.94-100
DR. RUMANA SADIQ.In: Comparative Leaf Anatomy of Grasses (Poaceae) in Faisalabad Region of Pakistan,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,1230-1485,Nil;Nil,22-APR-21. p.5701-5709
DR. RUMANA SADIQ.In: Boosting antioxidant defense mechanism of mungbean with foliar application of gibberellic acid to alleviate cadmium toxicity,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2662-2548,Nil;Nil,06-NOV-21. p.741-748
DR. RUMANA SADIQ.In: Concentrational study of nutrients related to chelators assisted sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) from artificially cadmium-contaminated soil,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,1439-040X,Nil;Nil,03-MAY-23. p.41-47