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Ethnobotany Group

Ethnobotany is the study of interrelations between humans and plants. It provides an insight into how people of a particular culture and region benefit from plants. This field often requires collaboration from various disciplines such as anthropology, ecology, pharmacy, linguistics, medicine, and ethnography. In Botany department GCWUF, Ethnobotany....

Plant Anatomy Group

Plant anatomy is the study of internal structure of plant organs like root, stem and leaves etc. It is particularly concerned with different types of cells, tissues, and tissue system, which are the basic components of internal plant body. Internal plant structure varies as the environment of the plant changes, therefore, plant anatomy research gr....

Molecular Biology Group

Plant molecular biology is the study of the molecular basis of plant life. It is particularly concerned with the processes by which the information encoded in the genome is manifested as structures, processes and behaviours. The Molecular Biology research group in the department of Botany has been working on Marker Assisted Selection of genes relat....

Plant Stress Physiology Group

Stress physiology is the study of any external or internal condition that challenges the homeostasis of a cell or an organism. In Botany department, our research group focuses on: Assortment of stress resistant lines after screening process, especially of the indigenous and exotic germplasm; studies on the physiological and biochemical attributes s....

Environmental Biology Group

Contamination of soil due to heavy metal accumulation because of various anthropogenic activities is a major concern of environmental biology. Due to their non-biodegradable nature metals persist in the environment and pose a threat to all living organisms by entering the food chain. Therefore, remediation of contaminated lands is of supreme import....

Plant Tissue Culture Group

Plant tissue culture is the in vitro aseptic culture of cells, tissues, organs, or whole plant under controlled nutritious environmental conditions. Plant tissue culture technology is being widely used for large scale plant multiplication. Apart from their use as a tool of research, plant tissue culture techniques have in recent years, become of ma....


Department of Botany is an established center for imparting knowledge relating to plants, their benefits to society and their relationship with environmental factors. It came into being as a separate department in 2014. The department has a competent faculty with research expertise in different specialties of plant sciences. The dedicated staff of Botany department is striving for excellence in order to compete with other national and international institutes of higher education in Botany. At present, the department is offering degree courses for BS, M.Sc., M.Phil. and Ph.D. programs. Higher studies in different research specializations of plants will make students capable of keeping pace with the recent research trends in Botany. The department has well equipped research labs with a number of nationally funded research projects in Tissue Culture, Plant Anatomy, Biodiversity, Stress Physiology, Environmental Biotechnology, Pomology, Molecular Biology, Plant Biochemistry and Plant-Pest Interaction. The department has established research facilities in the above-mentioned fields of specializations and the academia is focusing to broaden need-based research endeavors.


Vision of the department is the exploration of natural world of plants and dissemination of this knowledge to improve the environmental sustainability for sound environmental management and human well-being.


The mission of this department is to produce trained plant scientists equipped with dedication, motivation and enthusiasm to maintain and uplift the standard of life sciences to pursue cutting edge research in the country. The program have been designed to deliver a sound theoretical knowledge and practical expertise of plant sciences that would enables graduates to effectively address the local to global plant and environmental related issues. Moreover, we are aiming to ordain human capital with excellence in the changing scientific scenario through innovation and interactive learning and research.

Programmes Offered

BS Botany [Four Years Degree Programme ]

  • Programme Duration: 04 years
  • Eligibility Criteria: F.Sc. (Pre-medical) or equivalent with at least 45% marks (2nd Division)
  • Seats Allocation :  Morning = 60/ Evening = 100
  • All Fee Structures: See More Details ...
  • Scheme of Study: See More Details ...

M.Sc Botany [Two Years Degree Programme ]

  • Programme Duration: 02 years
  • Eligibility Criteria: B.Sc. (2 years) with the relevant subject with at least 45% marks (2nd division)
  • Seats Allocation:  Morning = 60/ Evening = 60
  • All Fee Structures: See More Details ...
  • Scheme of Study: See More Details ...

M.Phil Botany [Two Years Degree Programme ]

  • Programme Duration: 02 years
  • Eligibility Criteria: BS (4 years) / M.Sc. (2 years) in Botany with at least 2nd division and at least 60% marks in subject GRE conducted by DAS
  • Seats Allocation :  Evening = 20
  • All Fee Structures: See More Details ...
  • Scheme of Study: See More Details ...

Ph.D Botany [Three Years Degree Programme ]

  • Programme Duration: 03-05 years
  • Eligibility Criteria: MS/ M.Phil. with at least 3.00/4.00 CGPA in Botany and at least 70% marks in subject GRE conducted by DAS
  • Seats Allocation :  Morning = 10
  • All Fee Structures: See More Details ...
  • Scheme of Study: See More Details ...


Associate Professor, Botany


Assistant Professor, Botany


Assistant Professor, Botany


Assistant Professor, Botany


Assistant Professor, Botany


Assistant Professor, Botany


Assistant Professor, Botany


Assistant Professor, Botany


Assistant Professor, Botany


Lecturer, Botany


Lecturer, Botany


Lecturer, Botany


Lecturer, Botany


Assistant, Botany


Assistant, Botany


Assistant, Botany


Assistant, Botany

Faculty Development Training (28 to 29.06.2022)

Department of Botany, GC Women University, Faisalabad organized two-day Faculty Development Training on 28-29th June 2022 in the Committee R...

Cleanliness Drill (07.06.2022)

A clean environment is one that is void of any from of pollution and its effect. Environment cleanliness is the key to endurance and surviva...

Inauguration and development of Biodiversity Park, New campus (30.03.2022)

Under the kind directions of Worthy Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. Robina Farooq, Dr. Abida Kausar Convener of the event and Incharge Department ...

Educational tour to Jallo park, Lahore (12.03.2022)

To undertake the biodiversity and conservational study which is part of the curriculum, one day study tour was arranged to Jallo Botanical G...

8th Board of Studies (14.01.2022)

The 8th Meeting of Board of Studies of Department of Botany was held on 14-01-2022 in the Video Conference Room of GCWUF. The meeting was co...

World Environment Day (07.06.2022)

World environment day is the most legendary day for environmental activities. Since 1974, it has been celebrated every year on 5th of June a...

Research Productivity Award, 2022 (20.01.2023)

Department of Botany is delighted to achieve 178.46 impact factor for 55 publications due to the dynamic contribution of our faculty members...

11th Board of Studies (23.02.2024)

The 11th Meeting of the Board of Studies of Department of Botany was held on 23-02-2024 in the Video Conference Room of GCWUF. The meeting w...

9th Board of Studies (10.02.2023)

The 9th Meeting of Board of Studies of Department of Botany was held on 10-02-2023 in the Video Conference Room of GCWUF. The meeting was co...

High Value Fruit Farming Industry Trends and Success in Pakistan (05.10.2022)

In the kind patronage of worthy Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. Robina FarooqT.I., Department of Botany, GC Women University Faisalabad organized ...

Food Security and Sustainability under Climate Change (11.10.2022)

To counter the growing food insecurity stemming from climate change, professionals have been working to find out the ways to achieve more su...

First PhD degree of GC Women University Faisalabad (20.01.2023)

Department of Botany is pleased to announce that first PhD degree of GC Women University Faisalabad was awarded to Ms. Asma Marium in Convoc...

Educational Tour (13-11-2021)

Outdoor, hands-on and experiential learning, as opposed to instruction-based learning in classroom, increases student satisfaction and motiv...

In-campus plantation drive in new campus of GCWUF (03-08-2021)

GCWUF is actively engaged in protecting environment and planting trees under Prime minister vision of clean and green Pakistan. This season ...

Department of Botany, GCWUF successfully conducted its first ever Ph.D. defense (15-07-2021)

Department of Botany, Government College Women University Faisalabad has successfully conducted its first ever Ph.D. defense today. Ms. As...

7th Meeting of Board of Studies of Department of Botany

The 7th Meeting of Board of Studies of Department of Botany was held on 06-04-2021 in the Video Conference Room of GCWUF. The meeting was co...

International Conference on Dynamic Strategies in Plant Sciences for Crop Sustainability and Food Security

International Conference on Dynamic Strategies in Plant Sciences for Crop Sustainability and Food Security Two-days International Conferenc...

Microform/kitchen gardening (31-10-2024)

The activities of 31st October 2024 were started with an in-campus awareness walk, led by the Prof. Dr. Zill-i-Huma Nazli (Pro Vice Chancell...

Sustainability Week (October 2024)

In observance of International Climate Action Day, the Department of Botany celebrated sustainability week from 29th-31st October 2024. Duri...

Little book nook (29-10-2024)

On October 29, 2024, the Department of Botany launched a Reading corner/Little book nook, under the theme "Save energy-Spark change.&qu...

Be water smart (30-10-2024)

On 30th October 2024 an engaging activity themed ???Be water smart??? was held focusing on the importance of water conservation through the ...

Biodiversity and nature Exhibition (31-10-2024)

An exhibition focused on the theme of ???Biodiversity and nature??? was held, demonstrating green energy and innovative agriculture models t...

COE GCWUF conducted second Ph.D. defence of Botany Department (05-10-2021)

Controller of Examinations GCWUF conducted second Ph.D. defence of Department of Botany today, dated October 5th, 2021. Ms. Sadia Shahid (...


1. Books

DR. MAHAM SADDIQUE,Heat stress in crops,1,1,Germany:Lambart academics publications;01-NOV-13
DR. AREEJ JAVAID,Genetic mechanisms controlling earliness in cotton,1,1,https://www.lap-publishing.com/:LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing;05-JUL-16
2. Research Paper
DR. NOREEN ZAHRA.In: Rice production systems and grain quality,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,0733-5210,Academic Press Inc.;Academic Press Inc.,06-MAY-22. p.1-23
DR. SUMERA ANWAR.In: Integrated hormonal and nutrient management promote fruit retention and quality traits of Citrus reticulata,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,0190-4167,Nil;Nil,01-FEB-22. p.83-100
DR. SUMERA ANWAR.In: Determination and detoxification of aflatoxin and ochratoxin in maize from different regions of Pakistan,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,01676369,Nil;Nil,27-JUL-22. p.1-14
DR. SUMERA ANWAR.In: Physiological and biochemical responses of Phragmites australis to wastewater for different time duration,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,0137-5881,Nil;Nil,08-OCT-22. p.1-14
DR. SUMERA ANWAR.In: Interactive Effects of Soil and Foliar-Applied Nanobiochar on Growth, Metabolites, and Nutrient Composition in Daucus carota,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,07217595,Nil;Nil,09-OCT-22. p.1-15
DR. SUMERA ANWAR.In: Optimal Nitrogen Rate Increases Water and Nitrogen Use Efficiencies of Maize under Fully Mulched Ridge???Furrow System on the Loess Plateau,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2077-0472,Nil;Nil,29-OCT-22. p.2-18
DR. SUMERA ANWAR.In: Zinc oxide nanoparticles as potential hallmarks for enhancing drought stress tolerance in wheat seedlings,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,0981-9428,Nil;Nil,11-JAN-23. p.341-350
DR. MAHAM SADDIQUE.In: Mitigation of Drought stress-induced adverse effects on antioxidant system of eggplant by exogenous application of alpha-tocopherol,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,ISSN 1560-8530,FRIENDS SCIENCE PUBL, 399-B, PEOPLES COLONY NO 1, FAISALABAD, PAKISTAN, 38090;FRIENDS SCIENCE PUBL,31-JAN-19. p.971-978
MS. TANZILA RAFIQUE.In: Morpho-anatomical and physiological attributes for salt tolerance in sewan grass (Lasiurus scindicus Henr.) from Cholistan Desert Pakistan. ,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,0137-5881,Nil;Nil,11-SEP-14. p.2959-2974
MS. TANZILA RAFIQUE.In: Bismuth vanadate: an efficient photocatalyst for rupturing of microalgae cell wall,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2053-1591,Nil;IOP,01-MAY-19. p.1-9
MS. TANZILA RAFIQUE.In: Performance of green manuring for soil health and crop yield improvement,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2304-2478,Nil;Nil,16-MAY-19. p.1543-1553
MS. TANZILA RAFIQUE.In: Isolation of Several Indigenous Microalgae from Kallar Kahar Lake, Chakwal Pakistan,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2322-2921,Nil;National Institute of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology,01-JUL-20. p.70-79
DR. AREEJ JAVAID.In: Combining ability analysis for within-boll yield components in upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.),editor,(eds.)title series title and number,1676-5680,Av. Treze de Maio, 861 Jardim Paulistano CEP 14090-270 Ribeir??o Preto, SP | Brasil;FUNEPC-RP, Ribeirao Preto, SP (Brazil),24-AUG-12. p.2790-2800
DR. AREEJ JAVAID.In: Genetic analysis of earliness indicators in upland cotton,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2018-2020,Agricultural University of Tirana, Koder Kamez, Tirana, Albania;Agricultural University of Tirana, Albania,08-MAY-13. p.167-172
DR. AREEJ JAVAID.In: Genetic basis of some yield components in Gossypium hirsutum L.,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,0552-9034,University of Agriculture, Jail road, Faisalabad;University of Agriculture, Jail road, Faisalabad,30-JUN-14. p.143-146
DR. AREEJ JAVAID.In: Biometrical analysis of variability in plant height and seed cotton yield in Gossypium hirsutum under water stress conditions,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,0552-9034,University of Agriculture, Jail road, Faisalabad;University of Agriculture, Jail road, Faisalabad,01-JUN-15. p.309-315
DR. AREEJ JAVAID.In: Assessment of Allelic Diversity among drought Related Cotton Genotypes Using Microsatellite Markers,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,1676-5680,Av. Treze de Maio, 861 Jardim Paulistano CEP 14090-270 Ribeir??o Preto, SP | Brasil;FUNEPC-RP, Ribeirao Preto, SP (Brazil),31-MAR-17. p.1-9
DR. AREEJ JAVAID.In: Boosting antioxidant defense mechanism of mungbean with foliar application of gibberellic acid to alleviate cadmium toxicity,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2662-253X,Headquarters in London (global);SpringerNature,06-NOV-21. p.741-748
DR. AREEJ JAVAID.In: Physicochemical, Molecular and Cultural Identification of Microbial Pathogens in Wastewater Irrigated Crops,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,1230-1485,Poland;Nil,12-JUL-22. p.3779-3787
DR. AREEJ JAVAID.In: Concentrational study of nutrients related to chelators assisted sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) from artificially cadmium-contaminated soil,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,1439-040X,Germany;Nil,05-MAR-23. p.41-47
DR. IRFANA LALARUKH.In: INSECTICIDAL AND GROWTH INHIBITORY IMPACT OF DIFFERENT PLANT EXTRACTS ON Tribolium castaneum (HERBST),editor,(eds.)title series title and number, 2076-0906,Nil;Nil,25-JUN-21. p.993-998
DR. IRFANA LALARUKH.In: Growth stage-based response of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) to kinetin under water-deficit environment: pigments and gas exchange attributes,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,1651-1913,Nil;Nil,23-JUN-14. p.501-510
DR. IRFANA LALARUKH.In: Detection of heavy metal contents in meat and milk of buffaloes from area of Ring road and Kasur Lahore,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2229-712X,Nil;Nil,28-JUL-16. p.41851-41858
DR. IRFANA LALARUKH.In: Alpha-Tocopherol Induced Modulations in Morpho-Physiological Attributes of Sunflower (Helianthus annuus) Grown under Saline Environment,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,1560???8530,Nil;Nil,15-MAR-18. p.661-668
DR. IRFANA LALARUKH.In: Impact of alpha-tocopherol seed priming on accumulation of osmolytes and ion homeostasis in sunflower (Helianthus annuus) under salt stress,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,1560???8530,Nil;Nil,10-OCT-20. p.1672-1680
DR. IRFANA LALARUKH.In: PUISSANCE OF NATURE???S WISDOM FOOD GRADE DIATOMACEOUS EARTH AGAINST Tribolium castaneum (HERBST); A STEP TOWARDS ECOFRIENDLY PEST MANAGEMENT,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,0552-903,Nil;Nil,18-APR-21. p.539-546
DR. IRFANA LALARUKH.In: Drought stress alleviation by Potassium-Nitrate-containing Chitosan/Montmorillonite microparticles confers changes in Spinacia oleracea L.,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2071-1050,Nil;Nil,03-SEP-21. p.1-15
DR. IRFANA LALARUKH.In: Chemical role of ??-tocopherol in salt stress mitigation by improvement in morpho-physiological attributes of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.).,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,1319-562X,Nil;Nil,25-MAR-22. p.1386-1393
DR. IRFANA LALARUKH.In: Molecular diversity estimates of Pakistani citrus rootstocks,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2788-4546,Nil;Nil,28-MAR-22. p.9-17
DR. IRFANA LALARUKH.In: Associative effects of activated carbon biochar and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on wheat for reducing nickel food chain bioavailability,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2352-1864,Nil;Nil,25-MAY-22. p.1-13
DR. RASHDA NAHEED.In: Induction of Somaclonal Variation in Selected Drought Sensitive Genotype of Sugarcane (Sachharum officinarum),editor,(eds.)title series title and number,ISSN Print: 1560???8530; ,P-945, E-Small Estate BorrayWal/Link Sargodha Road, Fsd-38040, Pakistan P;Friends Publishers,17-APR-18. p.777-783
DR. RASHDA NAHEED.In: Acclimatization of drought tolerance with Somaclonal variants of sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.),editor,(eds.)title series title and number,ISSN 2310-5380,Centre of Excellence in Molecular Biology (CEMB), 87-West Bank, Canal Road, Lahore ??? Pakistan;CEMB,25-NOV-20. p.57-62
DR. ABIDA KAUSAR.In: Alleviation of salt stress in pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.) through seed treatments,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,17730155, 17740746,Avignon France;A journal of the French National Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment (INRAE),07-FEB-02. p.227-234
DR. ABIDA KAUSAR.In: Development of genetic linkage map of leaf hairiness in cotton using molecular markers,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,0556-3321, 2070-3368,Pakistan Journal of Botany, Botanical Garden, University of Karachi, Karachi, Pakistan;University of Karachi,01-JAN-09. p.162-163
DR. ABIDA KAUSAR.In: Effects of Dalbergia sissoo Roxb. leaf extract on some associated crop species of agro forestry,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,0971-4693, 0973-5046,International Allelopathy Foundation, Rohtak, India;international allelopathy foundation,11-FEB-09. p.221-226
DR. ABIDA KAUSAR.In: Development of genetic linkage map of leaf in cotton using DNA markers,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,0556-3321, 2070-3368,Pakistan Journal of Botany, Botanical Garden, University of Karachi, Karachi, Pakistan;University of Karachi,09-SEP-09. p.112-133
DR. ABIDA KAUSAR.In: Evaluation of sorghum varieties/lines for salt tolerance using physiological indices as screen tool,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,0556-3321, 2070-3368,Pakistan Journal of Botany, Botanical Garden, University of Karachi, Karachi, Pakistan;University of Karachi,09-SEP-12. p.47-52
DR. ABIDA KAUSAR.In: Some physiological and genetic determinants of salt tolerance in sorghum ,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,0556-3321, 2070-3368,Pakistan Journal of Botany, Botanical Garden, University of Karachi, Karachi, Pakistan;University of Karachi,01-JAN-14. p.515-519
DR. ABIDA KAUSAR.In: EVALUATION OF WHEAT GENOTYPES FOR SALINITY TOLERANCE USING PHYSIOLOGICAL INDICES AS SCREENING TOOL ,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,0556-3321, 2070-3368,Pakistan Journal of Botany, Botanical Garden, University of Karachi, Karachi, Pakistan;University of Karachi,09-JAN-15. p.397-405
MS. FOZIA FARHAT.In: Recent Insight into signalling responses to cope the drought stress in rice,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,,Elsevier B.V. on behalf of China National Rice Research Institute;Elsevier,01-JAN-70. p.0-0
MS. FOZIA FARHAT.In: Modulation of Ionic and Water Status by Moringa oleifera Extract against Cadmium Toxicity in Wheat (Triticum aestivum),editor,(eds.)title series title and number,1560???8530,Department of Veterinary Parasitology University of Agriculture Faisalabad-38040, Pakistan;Friends Publishers,17-DEC-18. p.2692-2700
MS. FOZIA FARHAT.In: Moringa leaf extract and ascorbic acid evoke potentially beneficial antioxidants especially phenolic in wheat grown under cadmium,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2070-3368 (Online) 0556-3321 (Print),Pakistan Journal of Botany, Botanical Garden, University of Karachi, Karachi, Pakistan;Botanical Society,05-MAY-21. p.2033-2040
MS. FOZIA FARHAT.In: Screening of maize (Zea mays L.) genotypes for drought tolerance using photosynthetic pigments and anti-oxidative enzymes as selection criteria,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2070-3368 (Online) 0556-3321 (Print),Pakistan Journal of Botany, Botanical Garden, University of Karachi, Karachi, Pakistan;Botanical Society,25-MAY-21. p.1-13
MS. FOZIA FARHAT.In: Growth attributes, biochemical modulations, antioxidant enzymatic metabolism and yield in Brassica napus varieties for salinity tolerance.,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,1319-562X,Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences, Saudi Arabia;Elsevier,12-JUL-21. p.5469-5479
MS. FOZIA FARHAT.In: Exogenous Application of Methionine and Phenylalanine Confers Salinity Tolerance in Tomato by Concerted Regulation of Metabolites and Antioxidants.,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,0718-9516 (Electronics) 0718-9508 (Print),Springer Nature Switzerland AG. Part of Springer Nature;Springer, Nature,17-AUG-21. p.1-13
MS. IRUM SHAHZADI.In: Foliar application of selenium increases fertility and grain yield in bread wheat under contrasting water availability regimes,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,1861-1664,Nill;Nill,21-JUL-17. p.173-184
DR. SHAMEEM RAJA.In: Screening of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) genotypes at different salinity levels,editor,(eds.)title series title and number, ISSN: 2006-9758, UAF;UAF, NIAB,30-MAR-12. p.94-100
DR. SHAMEEM RAJA.In: Socio-economic background of wastewater irrigation and bioaccumulation of heavy metals in crops and vegetables,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,ISSN: 0378-3774, UAF;UAF,26-APR-15. p.26-34
DR. SHAMEEM RAJA.In: Tracing Transmission of Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica in Tomato Fruits ,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,ISSN: 1560???8530, UAF;UAF,17-JUN-15. p.1255-1259
DR. SHAMEEM RAJA.In: Impact of row spacing on the growth and yield parameters of lentil (Lens culinaris L) under semi-arid region of Pakistan,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2076-0906,https://www.pakjas.com.pk/;https://www.pakjas.com.pk/,23-OCT-20. p.945-950
DR. SHAMEEM RAJA.In: Potential effects of biochar application on mitigating the drought stress implications on wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under various growth stages,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,,https://www.sciencedirect.com/;sciencedirect,12-NOV-20. p.974-981
DR. SHAMEEM RAJA.In: Physicochemical, Molecular and Cultural Identification of Microbial Pathogens in Wastewater Irrigated Crops,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,,https://www.pjoes.com/;https://www.pjoes.com/,07-JAN-22. p.3779-3787
DR. SHAMEEM RAJA.In: Genetic Behavior of Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) Germplasm Governing Heavy Metal Tolerance and Yield Traits under Wastewater Irrigation,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2223-7747,https://www.mdpi.com/journal/plants;https://www.mdpi.com/journal/plants,11-MAR-22. p.2973-2973
DR. NOREEN AKHTER.In: Leaf anatomical and biochemical adaptations in Typha domingensis Pers. ecotypes for salinity tolerance,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,20074298, 20074476,Research & Reviews 15th Floor, North Block, Divyasree SEZ Campus Raidurg, Hyderabad 500 081 INDIA;Sociedad Botanica de Mexico,04-OCT-17. p.52-55
DR. RIFFAT BATOOL.In: Photosynthetic response of three aquatic species of Schoenoplectus (Reichenb.) palla under salt stress,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,Nil,Nil;Nil,01-JAN-70. p.2-11
DR. RIFFAT BATOOL.In: Impact of highly saline wetland ecosystem on floral diversity of the Cholistan Desert. ,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,Nil,Nil;Nil,07-DEC-12. p.107-112
DR. RIFFAT BATOOL.In: Root structural modifications in three Schoenoplectus (Reichenb.) palla species for salt tolerance. ,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,Nil,Nil;Nil,13-MAR-13. p.1969-1974
DR. RIFFAT BATOOL.In: Structural adaptations in a desert halophyte Aeluropus lagopoides (Linn.) Trin. ex Thw. under high salinities. ,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,Nil,Nil;Nil,06-MAY-13. p.150-164
DR. RIFFAT BATOOL.In: Salinity-induced structural and functional changes in 3 cultivars of Alternanthera bettzickiana (Regel) G.Nicholson. ,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,Nil,Nil;Nil,17-SEP-13. p.674-687
DR. RIFFAT BATOOL.In: Physio-anatomical adaptations in response to salt stress in a potential forage grass Sporobolus arabicus Boiss. from a salt-affected sub-mountainous region. ,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,Nil,Nil;Nil,27-OCT-13. p.715-724
DR. RIFFAT BATOOL.In: Spatio-temporal variations in some medicinally important biochemical constituents of Peganum harmala (hermal). ,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,Nil,Nil;Nil,07-NOV-13. p.601-607
DR. RIFFAT BATOOL.In: Anatomical adaptations of Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. from the Salt Range (Pakistan) to salinity stress. II. Leaf anatomy. ,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,Nil,Nil;Nil,28-NOV-13. p.133-142
DR. RIFFAT BATOOL.In: Structural features of some wheat (Triticum spp.) landraces/cultivars under drought and salt stress,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,,Nil;Nil,02-MAY-14. p.355-370
DR. RIFFAT BATOOL.In: Adaptive components of salinity tolerance in a saline desert grass Lasiurus scindicus Henrard,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,Nil,Nil;Nil,05-JUN-14. p.429-438
DR. RIFFAT BATOOL.In: Anatomical and physiological adaptations in aquatic ecotypes of Cyperus alopecuroides Rottb. under saline and waterlogged conditions,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,Nil,Nil;Nil,16-JUL-14. p.60-68
DR. RIFFAT BATOOL.In: Structural and functional response to metal toxicity in aquatic Cyperus alopecuroides Rottb. Limnologica, (Impact factor: 1.565,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,Nil,Nil;Nil,05-AUG-14. p.46-56
DR. RIFFAT BATOOL.In: Morpho-anatomical and physiological attributes for salt tolerance in sewan grass (Lasiurus scindicus Henr.) from Cholistan Desert, Pakistan. ,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,Nil,Nil;Nil,12-AUG-14. p.2959-2974
DR. RIFFAT BATOOL.In: Physiological adaptative characteristics of Imperata cylindrica (L.) Raeuschel) for salinity tolerance. ,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,Nil,Nil;Nil,22-SEP-14. p.1148-1156
DR. RIFFAT BATOOL.In: Adaptive components for salinity tolerance in Sporobolus ioclados (Nees ex Trin.) Nees from the Cholistan Desert, Pakistan,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,,Elsvier;Elsvier,24-DEC-16. p.46-55
DR. RIFFAT BATOOL.In: Genome-wide identification and expression analysis of two component system genes in Cicer arietinum,editor,(eds.)title series title and number, 10.1016/j.ygeno.2019.08.006,?? 2019 Elsevier Inc. ;?? 2019 Elsevier Inc. ,01-MAR-20. p.1371-1383
DR. RIFFAT NASIM FATIMA.In: SA modifies growth performance and nutrient status of rice (O. sativa) under cadmium stress),editor,(eds.)title series title and number,1560-8530,Department of Veterinary Parasitology University of Agriculture Faisalabad-38040, Pakistan info@fspublishers.org;FSPublishers,24-JUN-14. p.1-8
DR. RIFFAT NASIM FATIMA.In: Role of SA in improving growth, nutrients & cadmium accumulation in callus of rice under cd stress,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2414-8245,Department of Agriculture Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan, PK;Published by Pakistani Society of Scientific Research (PSSR),15-NOV-16. p.1-11
DR. RIFFAT NASIM FATIMA.In: Diterpenes from Different Fungal Sources and Their 13C-NMR Data,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,978-1-78984-776-5,IntechOpen Limited, 7th floor 10 Lower Thames Street London, EC3R 6AF, UK Phone: +44 (0)203 972 6202;Intech Open,24-APR-18. p.1-33
DR. SANA TEHSEEN.In: Evaluation of different okra genotypes for salt tolerance,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2231-4490,Nil;Nil,11-OCT-14. p.23-30
DR. SANA TEHSEEN.In: Inheritance of Fruit Traits in Capsicum annuum: Heirloom Cultivars as Sources of Quality Parameters Relating to Pericarp Shape, Color, Thickness, and Total Soluble Solids,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,00031062,113 S WEST ST, STE 200, ALEXANDRIA, USA, VA, 22314-2851;American Society for Horticultural Science,10-NOV-15. p.597-604
DR. SANA TEHSEEN.In: ASSESSMENT OF SALINITY TOLERANCE IN BELL PEPPER (CAPSICUM ANNUUM L.) GENOTYPES ON THE BASIS OF GERMINATION, EMERGENCE AND GROWTH ATTRIBUTES,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,0556- 3321,Pakistan Journal of Botany Botanical Garden, University of Karachi, Karachi, Pakistan;Pakistan Botanical Society,07-OCT-16. p.1783-1791
DR. SANA TEHSEEN.In: Evaluation of Cucumber germplasm for salinity tolerance based on early growth attributes and leaf inorganic osmolytes,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,1221- 1249,transylvanianreview@gmail.com;Nil,30-DEC-16. p.1077-1086
DR. HINA KANWAL.In: Assessment of salt tolerance of some newly developed and candidate wheat (Triticum aestivum l.) cultivars using gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence attributes,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2070-3368,Pakistan Journal of Botany, Botanical Garden, ;Nill,01-AUG-11. p.2693-2699
DR. HINA KANWAL.In: Structural adaptations for adaptability in some exotic and naturalized species of Agavaceae,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2070-3368,Pakistan Journal of Botany, Botanical Garden, ;Nill,20-FEB-12. p.129-134
DR. HINA KANWAL.In: Leaf anatomical adaptations of some halophytic and xerophytic sedges of the Punjab,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2070-3368,Pakistan Journal of Botany, Botanical Garden, ;Nill,20-FEB-12. p.159-164
DR. HINA KANWAL.In: Comparative anatomy of root and stem of some native and exotic asparagus L. species,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2070-3368,Pakistan Journal of Botany, Botanical Garden, ;Nill,20-FEB-12. p.153-158
DR. HINA KANWAL.In: Water relations and ionic composition in the seedling of some newly developed and candidate cultivars of wheat (Triticum aestivem L.) under saline conditions,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2070-3368,Pakistan Journal of Botany, Botanical Garden, ;Nill,01-OCT-13. p.1221-1227
DR. HINA KANWAL.In: Alleviation of salt stress by K2SO4 in two wheat (Triticum aestivum l.) Cultivars,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,1785 0037,H-1185 Budapest, Kassa u. 118;Nill,11-NOV-16. p.137-147
DR. MEHWISH NASEER.In: Root morpho-anatomical adaptations for drought tolerance in Cenchrus ciliaris L. ecotypes ,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,0079-2047,Wiener Strasse 21-23, A-3580 Horn, Austria;Nil,30-JUN-15. p.159-179
DR. MEHWISH NASEER.In: Morpho-anatomical and physiological adaptations to high altitude in some Aveneae grasses ,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,0137-5881,Nil;Springer,01-APR-16. p.1-14
DR. MEHWISH NASEER.In: Adaptations for salinity tolerance in Sporobolus ioclados (Nees exTrin.) Nees from saline desert,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,0367-2530,Nil;Science Direct,01-AUG-16. p.46-55
DR. MEHWISH NASEER.In: TRIBE ANDROPOGONEAE FROM NEELUM VALLEY, AZAD JAMMU AND KASHMIR: PHYLOGENY BASED ON MORPHO-ANATOMY,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2070-3368,0556-3321,Nil;Nil,06-MAY-17. p.73-82
DR. MEHWISH NASEER.In: Photosynthetic response in buttonwood (Conocarpus erectus L.) to salt stress,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2070-3368,0556-3321,Nil;Nil,03-JUN-17. p.847-856
DR. MEHWISH NASEER.In: GROWTH ATTRIBUTES AND DISTRIBUTIONAL PATTERN OF HALOPHYTIC CYPERUS LAEVIGATUS L. ,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2070-3368,0556-3321,Nil;Nil,06-OCT-17. p.697-707
DR. MEHWISH NASEER.In: Structural and Functional Aspects of Salt Tolerance in Ecotypes of Aeluropus lagopoides,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,1560-8530,1814-9596,Nil;Nil,01-JAN-18. p.41-51
DR. MEHWISH NASEER.In: Structural modifications for drought tolerance in Cenchrus ciliaris L. ecotypes ,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,0367-2530,Nil;Nil,01-DEC-19. p.1-11
DR. MEHWISH NASEER.In: Palynological features of medicinal plants from Salt Ranges of Pakistan,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2313-8629,Nil;Nil,28-DEC-19. p.29-37
DR. MEHWISH NASEER.In: Survival Strategies in Khavi grass [Cymbopogon jwarancusa (Jones) Schult.] colonizing hot hypersaline and arid environments,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,1573-2932,Nill;Nill,15-FEB-21. p.1-17
MS. ANNAM ZIKREA.In: Rivina humilis L.: A potential source of antimicrobials and antioxidants,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,0253-5106,University of Karachi, Karachi;H.E.J. Research Institute of Chemistry, International Center for Chemical and Biological Sciences,01-JUN-13. p.84-98
MS. ANNAM ZIKREA.In: Ethnobotanical studies of herbs of Agra Valley, Parachinar, Upper Kurram Agency, Pakistan,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,1810-2719,Karachi;University of Karachi,01-JAN-14. p.71-83
MS. ANNAM ZIKREA.In: Ethnobotanical studies of shrubs and trees of Agra Valley, Parachinar, Upper Kurram Agency, Pakistan,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2616-8758,Karachi;Federal Urdu University of Arts, Science and Technology,01-JAN-14. p.73-81
MS. ANNAM ZIKREA.In: Ethnobotanical survey of important herbaceous plants of Kotli, AJK,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2313 ??? 206X,Lahore;GC University,01-JAN-14. p.11-22
MS. ANNAM ZIKREA.In: Anthelminthic analysis of local weeds of Punjab viz. Trianthema portulacastrum and Zaleya pentandra,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2220-6655,E-929, KADIRGONJ, PS BOALIA, RAJSHAHI, BANGLADESH;Nil,11-OCT-16. p.81-91
MS. ANNAM ZIKREA.In: Antibacterial potential of the crude extracts of Trianthema portulacastrum,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2220-6655,E-929, KADIRGONJ, PS BOALIA, RAJSHAHI, BANGLADESH;Nil,11-DEC-16. p.19-27
MS. ANNAM ZIKREA.In: Anthelminthic analysis of family Sterculiaceae viz. Firmiana simplex and Dombeya burgessiae,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2220-6655,E-929, KADIRGONJ, PS BOALIA, RAJSHAHI, BANGLADESH;Nil,12-NOV-17. p.77-85
MS. ARNEEB TARIQ.In: GLYCINEBETAINE INDUCED MODULATION IN OXIDATIVE DEFENSE SYSTEM AND MINERAL NUTRIENTS SESAME (SESAMUM INDICUM L.) UNDER SALINE REGIMES,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2070-3368,Pakistan Journal of Botany Botanical Garden, University of Karachi, Karachi, Pakistan;University of Karachi,15-MAR-20. p.775-782
MS. ARNEEB TARIQ.In: In vitro Micropropagation of Citrullus colocynthis (L.) Schrad: an endangered medicinal plant,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2310-5380,University of the Punjab;University of the Punjab,27-NOV-20. p.52-56
MS. ARNEEB TARIQ.In: Moringa leaf extract and ascorbic acid evoke potentially beneficial antioxidants especially phenolics in wheat grown under cadmium stress,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2070-3368,University of Karachi;Pakistan Botanical society,23-JUN-21. p.2033-2040
DR. RUMANA SADIQ.In: Mungbean: A Nickel Indicator, Accumulator or Excluder?,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,0007-4861 ,Nil;Nil,10-JUL-07. p.319-324
DR. RUMANA SADIQ.In: Toxic Effect of Ni on Growth and Metabolism in Germinating Seeds of Sunflower,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,0163-4984 ,Nil;Nil,15-JAN-11. p.695-703
DR. RUMANA SADIQ.In: Exog. Application of EDTA & OA Improve Seed Germination & Enzymes Activities of Sunflower Under Cd,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,1560???8530,Nil;Nil,14-MAY-15. p.117-124
DR. RUMANA SADIQ.In: Morpho-Anatomical Changes in Roots of Chickpea under Drought Stress Condition,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2161-6264,Nil;Nil,01-JAN-16. p.1-9
DR. RUMANA SADIQ.In: Acceleration of Cd Phytoextraction by Sunflower in Collaboration of EDTA),editor,(eds.)title series title and number,1818-6769,Nil;Nil,01-APR-16. p.577-583
DR. RUMANA SADIQ.In: Ameliorative Effect of Chelating Agents on Photosynthetic Attributes of Cd Stressed Sunflower ,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2156-8553,Nil;Nil,04-FEB-17. p.149-160
DR. RUMANA SADIQ.In: Allelochemicals as Growth Stimulators for Drought Stressed Maize,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2158-2742,Nil;Nil,17-APR-17. p.985-997
DR. RUMANA SADIQ.In: Outcomes of gemmo-modified plant combinations against chronic hypertension and tachycardia,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,0975-833X,Nil;Nil,30-MAR-18. p.426-433
DR. RUMANA SADIQ.In: Vulnerability of Sunflower Germination and Metal Translocation under Heavy Metals Contamination,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,Online: 2158-2750, Print: 2158-2742,Nil;Nil,23-MAY-19. p.738-751
DR. RUMANA SADIQ.In: Antibacterial and Antifungal Activity of Ficus carica Plant Extract,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2456-9119,Nil;Nil,29-MAR-21. p.1-9
DR. RUMANA SADIQ.In: Antibacterial and Antifungal Activity of Plant Extracts from Spinacia oleraceae L. (Amaranthaceae),editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2456-9119,Nil;Nil,14-APR-21. p.94-100
DR. RUMANA SADIQ.In: Comparative Leaf Anatomy of Grasses (Poaceae) in Faisalabad Region of Pakistan,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,1230-1485,Nil;Nil,22-APR-21. p.5701-5709
DR. RUMANA SADIQ.In: Boosting antioxidant defense mechanism of mungbean with foliar application of gibberellic acid to alleviate cadmium toxicity,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2662-2548,Nil;Nil,06-NOV-21. p.741-748
DR. RUMANA SADIQ.In: Concentrational study of nutrients related to chelators assisted sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) from artificially cadmium-contaminated soil,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,1439-040X,Nil;Nil,03-MAY-23. p.41-47
3. Chapter Contributed

DR. NOREEN ZAHRA.In: Gene regulation in halophytes in conferring salt tolerance,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2020,Academic Press;Academic Press,21-DEC-20. p.341-370
DR. NOREEN ZAHRA.In: Nitrogen Fixation of Legumes: Biology and Physiology,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2020,Springer, Cham.;Springer, Cham.,21-JUL-20. p.43-74
DR. NOREEN ZAHRA.In: The Plant Family Brassicaceae: Introduction, Biology, And Importance,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2020,Springer, Cham.;Springer, Cham.,21-OCT-20. p.1-43
DR. NOREEN ZAHRA.In: Role of salicylic acid???induced abiotic stress tolerance and underlying mechanisms in plants,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2022,Academic Press;Academic Press,01-JAN-22. p.73-98
DR. NOREEN ZAHRA.In: Role of salicylic acid???induced abiotic stress tolerance and underlying mechanisms in plants,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,1,CRC Press;CRC Press,24-NOV-21. p.63-78
DR. NOREEN ZAHRA.In: Physiological and Molecular Responses to High, Chilling, and Freezing Temperature in Plant Growth and Production: Consequences and Mitigation Possibilities,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2021,Springer, Cham.;Springer, Cham.,21-OCT-21. p.235-290
DR. SUMERA ANWAR.In: Economic Utilization of Salt-Affected Wasteland for Plant Production A Case Study from Pakistan,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,1,Nil;Nil,01-NOV-20. p.1-24
DR. MAHAM SADDIQUE.In: Differential responses of plants to biotic stress and the role of metabolities,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,5,125 London Wall, London ec2y 5AS, United Kingdom;Acedemic Press, USA,01-NOV-18. p.69-87
DR. MAHAM SADDIQUE.In: Enhancing the Drought Tolerance in Eggplant by Exogenous Application of Osmolytes in Water-Deficit Environments,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,5,USA;Apple Academic Press,01-SEP-19. p.287-306
DR. AREEJ JAVAID.In: Cassava: a potential candidate for biofortification exploration,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,1,USA;Elsevier,01-JAN-23. p.255-265
DR. AREEJ JAVAID.In: Proteomic and Genomic Approaches for Antioxidant Enzyme-Mediated Defense Analyses in Higher Plants,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,1,USA;SpringerLink,05-MAY-22. p.57-70
DR. AREEJ JAVAID.In: Revisiting the Crucial Role of Reactive Oxygen Species and Antioxidant Defense in Plant Under Abiotic Stress,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,1,Singapore;SpringerLink,05-MAY-22. p.397-419
DR. AREEJ JAVAID.In: Biotechnological overview of cauliflower for biofortification,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,1,USA;Elsevier,01-JAN-23. p.267-289
DR. AREEJ JAVAID.In: Biofortified Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.): a potential option to fight hunger,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,1,USA;Elsevier,01-JAN-23. p.291-305
DR. RIFFAT BATOOL.In: Rice Bran composition and its emerging potential applications,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,1,Nil;Nil,26-JUL-20. p.1-16
DR. RIFFAT BATOOL.In: Integrated management of vectored viral diseases of plants,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,1,Academic Press, Elseveir, London United Kingdom;Elseveir, London United Kingdom,14-MAY-20. p.707-724
DR. RIFFAT BATOOL.In: Entomopathogenic Protozoa Roles in the Management of Insects Pest Populations,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,1,Nil;Nil,25-MAY-21. p.129-136
DR. RIFFAT BATOOL.In: Endophytes as Guardians of Plants Against Diseases. Recent Developments in Microbial Technologies,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,1,Nil;Nil,07-JUN-21. p.221-242
DR. RIFFAT BATOOL.In: Physio-Anatomical Responses of Plants to Heavy Metals,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,1,Nil;Nil,24-DEC-14. p.79-96
MS. ANNAM ZIKREA.In: Diterpenes from Fungal Sources and 13C-NMR Data,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,0,10 Lower Thames Street London, EC3R 6AF, UK;Intech Open Limited,07-NOV-18. p.111-141
MS. ARNEEB TARIQ.In: Diterpenes from Different Fungal Sources and Their 13C-NMR Data,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,1,IntechOpen Limited, 5 Princes Gate Court, London, SW7 2QJ, UK;Intech Open,19-DEC-18. p.111-141
4. Seminar Information

DR. ABIDA KAUSAR.In: plant salinity stress and crops,gcuf;1,26-MAR-19 to 28-MAR-19
DR. SHAMEEM RAJA.In: Growing tomato with urban sewage water,UAF;3,18-OCT-11 to 22-OCT-11
DR. SHAMEEM RAJA.In: Waste water application for tomato cultivation in peri urban areas in relation to heavy metals ,UAF;3,09-JAN-14 to 12-JAN-14
DR. SHAMEEM RAJA.In: Transcriptome profiling of heavy metals tolerance related genes,MEMBS;3,14-SEP-14 to 17-SEP-14
5. Conference Proceeding

DR. SUMERA ANWAR.In: Effect of Plant Density and Nitrogen Rates on Yield-and Lodging-Related Traits in Rapeseed.,editor/orgniation.(eds.)Effect of Plant Density and Nitrogen Rates on Yield-and Lodging-Related Traits in Rapeseed.,Nil:Nil,Year of publication, p.1-2
DR. AREEJ JAVAID.In: ,editor/orgniation.(eds.),Lahore Garrison University, Lahore :Lahore Garrison University, Lahore ,Year of publication, p.32-32
DR. AREEJ JAVAID.In: Frost induced changes in wheat,editor/orgniation.(eds.)Frost induced changes in wheat,University of The Punjab, Lahore:University of The Punjab,Year of publication, p.55-56
DR. AREEJ JAVAID.In: Impact of coal tar on sunflower seedlings ,editor/orgniation.(eds.)Impact of coal tar on sunflower seedlings ,University of The Punjab:University of The Punjab,Year of publication, p.64-65
DR. AREEJ JAVAID.In: Microsatellite genotyping in barley,editor/orgniation.(eds.)Microsatellite genotyping in barley,University of The Punjab, Lahore:University of The Punjab,Year of publication, p.125-125
DR. AREEJ JAVAID.In: Genetic variability in moisture stressed cotton,editor/orgniation.(eds.)Genetic variability in moisture stressed cotton,MNS University of Agriculture, Multan:MNS University of Agriculture, Multan,Year of publication, p.8-9
DR. AREEJ JAVAID.In: Marker assisted selection for aphid resistance in local wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varieties,editor/orgniation.(eds.)Marker assisted selection for aphid resistance in local wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varieties,GCWUF:Department of Botany,Year of publication, p.7-8
DR. AREEJ JAVAID.In: Phenomic analysis of architectural and yield traits in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.),editor/orgniation.(eds.)Phenomic analysis of architectural and yield traits in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.),Lahore:SBS, PU,Year of publication, p.78-78
DR. AREEJ JAVAID.In: Growth proficiency of milk thistle and safflower in non-traditional, ecofriendly cultivation systems,editor/orgniation.(eds.)Growth proficiency of milk thistle and safflower in non-traditional, ecofriendly cultivation systems,Rawalpindi:PMAS-AAUR,Year of publication, p.10-10
MS. ARNEEB TARIQ.In: Pre-sowing seed treatment of glycinebetaine mitigate saline effects in sesame (Sesamum indicum L.).,editor/orgniation.(eds.)Pre-sowing seed treatment of glycinebetaine mitigate saline effects in sesame (Sesamum indicum L.).,University of Punjab:Department of Botany,Year of publication, p.97-97
MS. ARNEEB TARIQ.In: Alleviation of salinity stress on sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) by pre-sowing seed treatment ,editor/orgniation.(eds.)Alleviation of salinity stress on sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) by pre-sowing seed treatment ,University of Peshawar:Department of Botany,Year of publication, p.67-67