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Since its founding the Department of English at Government College Women University, Faisalabad has committed to being the top English department in Pakistan. As one of the largest departments within the university, the English department caters to the needs of all other departments in the university serving as the center of creativity, critical inquiry and rich culture. The department has contributed immense creative and literary activities with its twenty four full-time faculty members teaching well-developed English language, Literature and English for Specific Purpose courses at various departments all year round. Currently approximately 689 students are enrolled in the department. The Department of English flourished and upgraded with Government College Women University Faisalabad with its inception of degree classes in 1984, soon followed by its commencement of Post-Graduate classes in 1987. The BS English program launched in 2010 contributing to the development of critical understanding of a large number of students especially in relation to studying texts of literature for deep comprehension of cultural diversity in the field of literature and life under the guidance of highly insightful teachers. The department is also offering a course on Research Methodology in order to promote research and generate interdisciplinary approach to literature. In 2019, the department successfully introduced MPhil English in Applied Linguistics.


English, as the language of international communication, has gained a paramount importance all around the world. The department of English envisions to facilitate our students to learn and understand English language and literature in a mature and broader perspective. The department envisions to imbue the students with all the essentials they need to reach the international markets pertaining to all fields of life. From aural-oral skills of speaking, listening and reading to the in-depth theoretical and practical research analysis of English language and literature, we are determined to leave no stone unturned in order to inculcate in the students the ability to communicate their ideas with confidence and fluency. Keeping a keen eye on future challenges, the department keeps on reviewing the course outlines and objectives in order to meet the needs of the day as well as to stay up-to-date.


The department aims to enable the students to use their critical thinking abilities to improve their professional and social lives by becoming positive individuals unhindered by challenges. The department is committed to build the students so that they, by using English language as a means of communication, can foster a positive change. Moreover the department intends to mobilize women towards empowerment and encourage them to play an active social role in propagating the true image of Pakistani women all around the world. The mission is to collaborate with the regional and international writers of English language and literature in order to enhance the qualitative research works in this field. Further, the department is committed to engage our students in research and writing so that they can be a valuable asset in different fields where English is used as a medium of communication.

Programs Offered

BS English [Four Years Degree Programme ]

  • Program Duration: 4 Years
  • Eligibility Criteria: 1. FA 2. I.cs 3. I. Com or Equivalent
  • Seats Allocation :  60 seats in morning and 100 seats in Evening
  • Seats Allocation :  60 seats in morning and 120 seats in Evening
  • Fee Structures: See More Details ...
  • Scheme of Study: See More Details ...

MA English [Two Years Degree Programme ]

  • Program Duration: 2 years
  • Eligibility Criteria: B.A/ B.Sc (2 years) or equivalent with the relevant subject with at least 45 % marks (2nd Division) *Candidates with only B.Com are eligible to apply **Candidates must qualify an Aptitude Test securing 50% marks
  • Seats Allocation:  60 seats in morning and 60 seats in Evening
  • Fee Structures: See More Details ...
  • Scheme of Study: See More Details ...

M.Phil (Applied Linguistics) [Two Years Degree Programme ]

  • Program Duration: 2 years
  • Eligibility Criteria: BS English (4 year) / MA English / Linguistics with at least 50% marks (Under Annual System) or 3.00 CGPA (Under Semester System) and minimum 60% marks in subject GRE conducted by DAS are required for admission in M.Phil English (Applied Linguistics).
  • Seats Allocation:  10 seats in Evening
  • Fee Structures: See More Details ...
  • Scheme of Study: See More Details ...


Assistant Professor, English


Assistant Professor, English


Assistant Professor, English


Assistant Professor, English


Lecturer, English


Lecturer, English


Lecturer, English


Lecturer, English


Lecturer, English


Research Assistant, English

Two Day International Symposium on Contemporary Trends in Language and Literature

Two day international symposium on contemporary trends in language and literature to be held on 25th & 26th November 2021. The following are...

English Proficiency Course

Register now using the link below: https://forms.gle/M9sGHUMoZMpn6YNKA...

Admissions open in Department of English for 2021

Admissions open in Department of English for 2021. Last date to apply: 12th October 2021. For further inquiry, please contact english@gcwuf....


1. Books

HUMAIRA SARWAT,Pride English Critical Study,1,1,10/Alfazal Market-17:Urdu Bazar Lahore;25-FEB-01
2. Research Paper
DR ZAHIDA HUSSAIN.In: Cultural representation in ESL textbooks in Pakistan: A case study of ???Step Ahead 1???,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2222-288X,Nil;Nil,01-JAN-12. p.35-42
DR ZAHIDA HUSSAIN.In: Cultural nativization in ESL textbooks in Pakistan,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,1561-882X, Wulfenia: Mitteilungen des K??rntner Botanikzentrums" in Karenten, Austria.;nil,01-JAN-12. p.531-542
DR ZAHIDA HUSSAIN.In: Cultural Nativization in ESL textbooks in Pakistan,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,1561-882X,KLAGENFURT, AUSTRIA;KLAGENFURT, AUSTRIA,01-OCT-12. p.531-542
DR ZAHIDA HUSSAIN.In: Invariant tag questions in Pakistani English: A comparison with native and non-native Englishes,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2331-2548,Nil;Taylor & Francis,01-JAN-14. p.229-238
DR ZAHIDA HUSSAIN.In: A corpus-based analysis of linking adverbials in Pakistani English,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,1948-5425,Nil;Nil,01-JAN-14. p.133-140
DR ZAHIDA HUSSAIN.In: Genre Analysis of Business Emails Written by Pakistani Employees: A Case Study in Pakistani Organizational Context,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2422-8435,Nil;Nil,01-JAN-15. p.10-15
DR ZAHIDA HUSSAIN.In: Analysis of Generic Structure of Business Letters Written by Native and Non- Native Employees: A Study in ESP Context,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2422-8435,Nil;Nil,01-JAN-15. p.10-15
DR ZAHIDA HUSSAIN.In: Generic structure of online blurbs of fiction books: a case study from Pakistan,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,1812-0687,GC University, Faisalabad;GC University, Faisalabad,01-JAN-16. p.154-173
DR ZAHIDA HUSSAIN.In: Linguistics Variation Across Written Registers of Pakistani English: A Multidimensional Analysis,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2410-1230,Nil;University of Gujrat,01-JAN-16. p.15-36
DR ZAHIDA HUSSAIN.In: Register variation in Pakistani English: A multidimensional approach,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,013-5316,Publications International, Lahore;Publications International, Lahore,01-AUG-16. p.353-363
DR ZAHIDA HUSSAIN.In: Genre analysis of Urdu research article abstracts,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,013-5316,Publications International, Lahore;Publications International, Lahore,01-AUG-16. p.637-642
DR ZAHIDA HUSSAIN.In: A Critical Analysis of Structuralist Variations in Academic Writing ,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,1812-1128,Nil;university of the Punjab,01-JAN-17. p.217-240
DR ZAHIDA HUSSAIN.In: Stylistic Analysis of P.B. Shelley???s Poem Ozymandius: Formalism vs. Reader Response Theory,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,1812-0687,Nil;Government College University, Faisalabad,01-JAN-17. p.83-92
DR ZAHIDA HUSSAIN.In: Identification of Discourse Moves of Online Pakistani Textbook Blurbs,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,1995-7904,Nil;university of the Punjab,01-JAN-19. p.87-94
DR ZAHIDA HUSSAIN.In: Linguistic Properties of Pakistani Research Article (RA) Abstracts from Multiple Disciplines,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2071-8683,Nil;university of the Punjab,01-JAN-19. p.165-183
DR ZAHIDA HUSSAIN.In: The Escalating Xenophobia: A Comparative Analysis of Trump and Putin???s Statements About Covid-19,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2394-5125,Kuala Lumpur, malaysia;malaysia,01-JAN-20. p.3352-3357
DR ZAHIDA HUSSAIN.In: COVID-19 Advertorials Accentuating Fright and Xenophobia in Ecosystem: An Eco-linguistic Approach to SFL,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2707-5273,MARS Publications;MARS Publications,01-MAR-20. p.7-13
DR ZAHIDA HUSSAIN.In: Divergent patterns of variant tag questions in Pakistani English: A corpus-based comparative study,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2146-0655,Nil;Nil,06-OCT-21. p.370-378
DR ZAHIDA HUSSAIN.In: Comparative Analysis of Generic and Linguistic Features of Research Article Abstracts,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2664-1453,GCUF;GCUF,05-APR-22. p.85-108
DR ZAHIDA HUSSAIN.In: The Impact of Emotional Intelligence on Cognitive Strategy Uses of Saudi English Foreign Language Students??? Vocabulary Knowledge,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2090-4002,Nil;Nil,01-JUN-22. p.1-10
DR ZAHIDA HUSSAIN.In: Exploring the Effects of the Cinematographic Apparatus on Fifty Shades of Grey,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2708-9029,Nil;Nil,30-JUN-22. p.254-262
DR ZAHIDA HUSSAIN.In: Investigating Modality in Kamila Shamsie???s Burnt Shadows and Charles Dicken???s A Tale of Two Cities: A Corpus Driven Comparative Analysis,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2709-9784,Nil;Nil,30-JUN-22. p.16-29
DR ZAHIDA HUSSAIN.In: You Sell Me Out: Representation of Peripheral Pakistan in Daniyal Mueenuddin???s In Other Rooms, Other Wonders,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2708-6453,Nil;Nil,01-JUL-22. p.284-295
DR ZAHIDA HUSSAIN.In: Linguistic Functionality in Hollywood Movie Trailers: A Comparison of Blockbusters with Underrated Movies,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2717-7564,Nil;Nil,01-MAR-23. p.1277-1289
DR ZAHIDA HUSSAIN.In: Use of Religious, Historical, and Primary Metaphors in Pakistani Political Speeches,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,1567-214X,Nil;Nil,01-APR-23. p.71-94
DR ZAHIDA HUSSAIN.In: Code Switching and Code Mixing in the Selected novels of Nadeem Aslam,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,1567-214X,Nil;Nil,28-MAY-23. p.308-317
DR ZAHIDA HUSSAIN.In: The Transitivity Analysis of Sunja's Character in Pachinko,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,1567-214X,Nil;Nil,01-JUN-23. p.493-506
ZEBA IMTIAZ.In: Genre Analysis of Argumentative Essays of Pakistani EFL-Learners ,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2222-1735,Nil;Nil,30-NOV-14. p.95-98
HUMAIRA SARWAT.In: Cultural Hybridity in Kamila Shamsie???s Burnt Shadows,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2278-0211,Germany;GLOBEEDU GROUP(ISO9001???2015),25-AUG-14. p.245-251
HUMAIRA SARWAT.In: Critical Discourse Analysis of Pakistan Tahreek e Insaf Menifesto,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,22780211,Germany;GLOBEEDU GROUP(ISO9001???2015),25-FEB-15. p.65-68
AFIA SHAHID.In: Play of pauses in Samuel Beckett???s End: A postmodern threshold,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2073-7122,Canterbury, Kent, United Kingdom;Institute of Interdisciplinary Business Research ,08-DEC-13. p.310-321
AFIA SHAHID.In: Towards a Deconstructive Text: Beyond Language and the Politics of Absences in Samuel Beckett s Waiting for Godot,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,1307-6892,waset.org/Publications/10008473;WASET,07-AUG-18. p.108-113
DR. SADIA WAHEED.In: Semantico-syntactic Deviations in metaphors used by Philip Larkin,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,ISSN 1930-2940,M. S. Thirumalai, Ph.D. 11249 Oregon Circle Bloomington,USA;Language in India ,12-DEC-12. p.340-361
DR. SADIA WAHEED.In: Trauma Narrative and Existential Dilemma in Mirza Waheed???s ???The Collaborator???: A study of Traumatic narratology and Desensitization.,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2422-8435,JLLL@iiste.org/;iiste.org,01-AUG-16. p.6-11
DR. SADIA WAHEED.In: Inferiority Complex: A Character Analysis of Elif Shafak???s Honour,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2250-3153,IJSRP Inc. Pocket 6/1, Sector 2, Rohini, New Delhi, INDIA;IJSRP Inc,01-OCT-18. p.1-5
DR. SADIA WAHEED.In: North American Aboriginal Philosophy of History: A Historical Thick Interpretation of Deloria???s God Is Red ,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2616-793X,http://dx.doi.org/10.31703/gssr.2020(V-II).49;Humanity Publications,22-AUG-20. p.516-522
DR. SADIA WAHEED.In: Dedoxifying the Naturalized Narratives of 1971 War through Alternative Narrative of Ismail???s ???of Martyrs and Marigold???,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2309-0081 (online),Academy of IRMBR TF 260, Deans Trade Center Peshawar, Pakistan. 25000 Peshawar;Academy of IRMBR ,10-DEC-20. p.158-169
SHAFAQ MEHMOOD.In: Cultural and Linguistics Hybridity: A Diaspora Study of The Lost Pearl,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2071-8683,Punjab University Lahore;Alqalam journal,23-DEC-19. p.115-128
DR. SAIRA AKHTER.In: Panopticism In Bashir???s Scattered Souls: A Trauma Study,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,P-ISSN 2708-6453,Turkey;Science Research Society,26-JUL-21. p.9833-9841
3. Chapter Contributed

4. Seminar Information

5. Conference Proceeding

ZEBA IMTIAZ.In: Nil,editor/orgniation.(eds.)Nil,Nil:Nil,Year of publication, p.1-10
ZEBA IMTIAZ.In: Nil,editor/orgniation.(eds.)Nil,Nil:Nil,Year of publication, p.1-10
ZEBA IMTIAZ.In: A Study of Urduized Words in Invitations ,editor/orgniation.(eds.)A Study of Urduized Words in Invitations ,Nil:Nil,Year of publication, p.1-10