Statistical procedures now form an important part of all fields of science, and procedures which have been developed for use in one field have almost invariability found important applications in a number of other fields. Statistical techniques being powerful tools for analyzing numerical data are used in almost every branch of learning. In Biological and Physical Sciences, Genetics, Agronomy, Physics, Geology, etc. Statistical techniques have been developed and are increasingly used. The students of the Department are offered core courses, a variety of specialized courses and are made proficient in use of statistical data analysis through statistical packages such as Minitab, SPSS, MSTACT, and EVIEWS etc. Free Statistical consultancy services are available to researchers of other disciplines in the university through qualified experienced statisticians.
To expand BS program to MS/M.Phil. and Ph.D. program in the near future. To publish the research journal of the Department.
We are dedicated to help students understand, apply and appreciate statistics. We are committed to conduct and publish outstanding research. We are committed to improve educational environment in the Department.
BS Statistics
BS Statistics [Four Years Degree Programme ]
Lecturer, Statistics
Lecturer, Statistics
Research Assistant, Statistics
HAFIZA NIDA.In: Decomposition of Matrix under Neutrosophic Environment,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,,P-153,Block-D,Anarkali Bazar,Street#4,FSD;University of Agriculture Agriculture, FSD,12-APR-19. p.1-6
MADIHA ZAMIN.In: An Analgesic and Hepatoprotective Plant: Ocimum gratissimum.,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,18125735,Pakistan journal of biological sciences;Pakistan journal of biological sciences,30-NOV-11. p.954-955
SAMRA HABIB.In: COMPARISON OF DIFFERENT TECHNIQUES FOR DETECTION OF OUTLIERS IN CASE OF MULTIVARIATE DATA,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2076-0906,House # 194, Block E, Allama Iqbal Colony, Faisalabad.;University of Agriculture, Faisalabad.,08-JUN-20. p.865-869