The Department of Computer Science is one of the most prominent centers of computer education in Faisalabad. It was established as a separate department by offering BS(CS), M.Sc(CS) in 2014. The department aims to provide excellent computing facilities and ensure the enhancement of practical knowledge of students by facilitating them to learn scientific, engineering, commercial and social problems.
To equip the students with the knowledge to identify problems like manipulating data in data base, sending data over networks and to provide better computing solutions. Not only to provide students with good presentation and communication skills to grow adaptability for the work place for good participation in society but also to produce good research skills in our graduates. Our main Focus is to provide students with an understanding and appreciation of the social consequences of technology, including computers and ethical issues that may arise with new technologies
To equip the students with the knowledge to identify problems like manipulating data in data base, sending data over networks and to provide better computing solutions. Not only to provide students with good presentation and communication skills to grow adaptability for the work place for good participation in society but also to produce good research skills in our graduates. Our main Focus is to provide students with an understanding and appreciation of the social consequences of technology, including computers and ethical issues that may arise with new technologies
BS Computer Science [Four Years Degree Programme ]
M. Sc Computer Science [Two Years Degree Programme ]
Visiting Lecturer, Computer Science
Qulification Not Present
Visiting Lecturer, Computer Science
Qulification Not Present
Visiting Lecturer, Computer Science
Qulification Not Present
Visiting Lecturer, Computer Science
Qulification Not Present
Visiting Lecturer, Computer Science
Qulification Not Present
Assistant Professor, Computer Science
Qulification Not Present
Assistant Professor, Computer Science
Doctorate Degree PhD Computer Science
Assistant Professor, Computer Science
Master/ MS (18 Years) Degree MSCS
Lecturer, Computer Science
Master/ MS (18 Years) Degree M.S. - Computer Science
Lecturer, Computer Science
Master/ MS (18 Years) Degree MS (CS)
Lecturer, Computer Science
Qulification Not Present
Lecturer, Computer Science
Qulification Not Present
Lecturer, Computer Science
Qulification Not Present
Assistant, Computer Science
Qulification Not Present
Lecturer, Computer Science
Qulification Not Present
Teaching Assistant, Computer Science
M-Phil (18 Years) Degree MS(CS)
Lab. Attendant, Computer Science
Master 16 Years Degree Master in Library information Science
AMMARAH MAQBOOL,Teaching Fashions,1,1,Published by Omniscriptum Gmbh & Co:Lambert Academic Publishing;14-DEC-10
AMMARAH MAQBOOL.In: Deep Learning-Based Dynamic Stable Cluster Head Selection in VANET,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,01976729,Hindawi Limited Adam House, Third Floor 1 Fitzroy Square London W1T 5HF United Kingdom;Hindawi,12-JUL-21. p.1-21
SHAZIA RIAZ.In: Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis of Ridesharing Platform Reviews for Kansei Engineering,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,2169-3536,445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854-4141 USA;IEEE,22-SEP-20. p.13186-13196
SHAFIA.In: A Classification Model for Software Workbenches,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,1450-216X /1450-202X,Nil;Nil,10-FEB-10. p.109-121
SHAFIA.In: Cognitive Analysis of Software Interfaces,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,1450-216X /1450-202X,Nil;Nil,10-FEB-10. p.99-108
MAHAM TARIQ.In: Incorporation of GlobalIssue factors in SDLC by using Inverse Requirement,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,e-ISSN: 2278-0661,p-ISSN: 2278-8727,,New York Office: 8th floor, Straight hub, NS Road,New York, NY 10003-9595;International Organization Of Scientific Research,13-DEC-15. p.89-94
MAHAM TARIQ.In: Deep Learning-Based Dynamic Stable Cluster Head Selection in VANET,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,01976729,Hindawi Limited Adam House, Third Floor 1 Fitzroy Square London W1T 5HF United Kingdom;Hindawi,12-JUL-21. p.1-21
MAHAM TARIQ.In: 3D Localization for Mobile Node in Wireless Sensor Network,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,1530-8677,Hindawi Limited Adam House, Third Floor 1 Fitzroy Square London W1T 5HF United Kingdom;Hindawi,22-MAR-22. p.1-12