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Directorate of Quality Enhancement Cell


Quality Enhancement Cell GCWUF, was established in 2013. Since its inception, QEC is rigorously devoted to the task of providing quality education to students. Dr. Aasma Khalid is currently holding the portfolio of Director, QEC, GCWUF. Quality Enhancement Cell in Government College Women University has been assigned with responsibility of the implementation of rules and regulations laid by Higher Education Commission. It aims to maintain proper check and balance to improve the quality of ongoing academic and research activities. It acts as a productive source to provide better chances to teachers and students excel in their respective fields.

Director’s Message

In this competitive world, Quality and Relevance are identified as the key components of the educational and research progress of any Higher Education Institution across the world. Ultimately they have become an essential part of the strategic planning of HEIs at Pakistan as well. To meet this end, Higher Education Commission has also established high standards of quality with respect to the criteria of offered degree programs, faculty development, governance and management, physical and technological infrastructure development, leading to excellence in learning and research at higher education institutions. Quality Enhancement Cell is specifically deputed with the task of the effective implementation and cultivation of a quality culture at par with the standard metrics established by the national governing bodies. In addition to this, QEC strives to create conditions which are significant to meet international standards of quality mechanism to get acknowledged by Ranking Agencies at global level. And here lies the real worth of QEC, i.e. achieving new milestones and setting new targets to attain by adhering to a quality process which is continuously evolving and constantly progressing forward to a brighter future of the main stakeholders (students). QEC, at GCWUF is fully sensitized to its obligations to the institution and society at large. It is striving hard to materialize the targeted objectives by taking stringent measures for the maintenance of internal and external quality mechanism. It is also performing an instrumental role in the effective implementation of the Vision and Mission of the institution.


Quality Enhancement Cell is focused to position Govt. College Women University Faisalabad among the top-ranking institutions of the world through best teaching practices, research opportunities and maintenance of an effective internal and external quality mechanism.


To enhance, maintain and monitor the quality of higher education in the university.

Scope & Objectives

Quality Enhancement Cell in Government College Women University has been desires to achieve the following objectives:
1. To promote public confidence that the quality and standard of the award of degrees are enhanced and safeguarded.
2. To review the quality standards and the quality of teaching and learning in each subject area.
3. To review the academics affiliation with other institutions in terms of effective management and quality of programmes.
4. To define clear and explicit standards as points of reference for the reviews to be carried out.
5. To develop qualification framework by setting out the attributes and abilities that can be expected from the holder of a qualification, i-e. Bachelors, Bachelors with Honors, Masters, M.Phil and Doctoral.
6. To develop program specifications in order to clarify what knowledge, understanding skills and other attributes, a student needs to develop on successfully completing a program.
7. To enhance quality assurance process and methods of evaluating to affirm the quality of provision and the standard of awards are being maintained.
8. To develop curriculum, subject and staff Calibre together with research and other scholarly activities


0Faculty File Check List
1Student File Check List
2Course File Check List
3Employer Survey
4(Teacher Evaluation Form)
5(Faculty Resume)
6(Alumni Survey)
7(Survey of department offering PhD Programs)
8(Faculty Survey)
9(Research Student Progress Review Form)
10(Survey of Graduating Students)
11(Faculty Course Review Report)
12 (Student Course Evaluation Questionnaire)

HEC Policy Letters

Minimum Experience of a PhD Faculty Member to Supervise a PhD Thesis.pdf

Supervision of MS-MPhil Research Thesis by MS-MPhil Qualified Faculty Members.pdf

Weightage of Revised Assessment Criteria For Quality Enhancement Cell.pdf

Violation of Rules in the Award of PhD Degrees.pdf

Violation Rules Award PhD degrees.pdf

Supervision MS MPhil Programmes.pdf

Minimum PhD Faculty Supervise a PhD thesis.pdf



Director Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC)

Doctorate Degree PhD Mathematics


Deputy Director QEC, Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC)

Doctorate Degree Agri Extension


Assistant, Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC)

M-Phil (18 Years) Degree M.Phil Education,


Assistant, Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC)

Master 16 Years Degree MA Urdu


Assistant, Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC)

Qulification Not Present


Assistant, Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC)

Master/ MS (18 Years) Degree MBA. Executive (Human Resource Management)

Seminar on Peace, Justice and Strong Institution

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IT Projects Display

Department of Information Technology arranged ???IT Projects Display??? to exhibit sustainable development goal (SGD-9) Industry, Innovation...

Poster Competition on SDG 02- Zero Hunger

The Department of Food Science and Technology, GCWUF organized a Poster Competition On 8th May, 2024 under the theme of Sustainable Developm...

Poster Competition on Gender Equality

The Department of English arranged a poster competition on Sustainable Development Goal 5 (Gender Equality) on 7th May 2024 in collaboration...

Poster Competition on SDG 12- Responsible Consumption and Production and Nutritional Camp

The Department of Nutritional Sciences at Government College Women University Faisalabad (GCWUF) organized a Poster Competition and Counsell...

Seminar on Career Opportunities in Foreign Countries

In connection with "Young Initiative Program" the department of Sociology organized a seminar on 7...

Seminar on Career Opportunities in Foreign Countries

In connection with "Young Initiative Program" the department of Sociology organized a seminar on 7...

Poster Competition on Climate Action

A poster competition to exhibit Sustainable Development Goal 13, Climate Action (SDG-13: Climate Action) was held by the department of Bioch...

Poster Competition on Life Below Water

A poster competition to exhibit sustainable development goal 14, Life below Water (SDG-14: Life below Water) was held in the department of Z...

Islamic Theory for Achieving Sustainable Development through Equality and its applications

A Seminar on Gender Equality entitled "Islamic Theory for Achieving Sustainable Development through Equality and its ap...

Clean and Affordable Energy: Challenges and Solutions

Department of Physics, GCWUF has organized one day International Seminar on ???Clean and Affordable Energy: Challenges and Solutions??? at A...

Seminar on Importance of Quality Education:

Department of Education GCWUF organized a one-day Seminar on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) under the direction of the Ministry of Pla...

Seminar on Unlock Your Potential and Prioritize your mental health

The Department of Applied Psychology at Government College Women University Faisalabad engaged students in the "YOUNGs ...

Sustainable Development Goal: The pathway to the future we want

According to the directions of the Ministry of Planning, Development and Special Initiatives, the Quality Enhancement Cell has engaged the s...

Smog reduction tree plantation

Tree planting is necessary to save Pakistan from the troubles of climate change and global warming, for which every citizen must play its ro...

Smog reduction tree plantation

Tree planting is necessary to save Pakistan from the troubles of climate change and global warming, for which every citizen must play its ro...

Training Session on Importance of Sustainable Development Goals Dated: 10-03-2023

Quality Enhancement Cell of GCWUF organized a lecture session on ???Importance of Sustainable Development Goals??? on March 10th, 2023 i-e F...


The Quality Enhancement Cell of GCWUF conducted a meeting with the nominated students of YOUNGS Initiative of Ministry of Planning & Dev...


In a continuation on series of meetings with the nominated students of YOUNGS Initiative of Ministry of Planning & Development for SDGs,...

International Rankings

Times Higher Education World University Rnkings

QS World Ranking

    • The World University Rankings for Innovation (The WURI)

      UI Green Metric

    THE Impact Ranking

      Green Gown Awards

    Sustainable Development Goals of GCWUF

    The 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) to transform our world:

    GOAL 1: No Poverty
    GOAL 2: Zero Hunger
    GOAL 3: Good Health and Well-being
    GOAL 4: Quality Education
    GOAL 5: Gender Equality
    GOAL 6: Clean Water and Sanitation
    GOAL 7: Affordable and Clean Energy
    GOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
    GOAL 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
    GOAL 10: Reduced Inequality
    GOAL 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
    GOAL 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
    GOAL 13: Climate Action
    GOAL 14: Life Below Water
    GOAL 15: Life on Land
    GOAL 16: Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
    GOAL 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal

    Implementation of Sustainable Development Goals

    Seminar on Peace, Justice and Strong Institution

    ???????? ???????????? ???? ???? ???????? ???????????????????????????? ???????? ?????????????? ?????????? ???? ?????? ?????????? ???? ???????...

    IT Projects Display

    Department of Information Technology arranged ???IT Projects Display??? to exhibit sustainable development goal (SGD-9) Industry, Innovation...

    Poster Competition on SDG 02- Zero Hunger

    The Department of Food Science and Technology, GCWUF organized a Poster Competition On 8th May, 2024 under the theme of Sustainable Developm...

    Poster Competition on Gender Equality

    The Department of English arranged a poster competition on Sustainable Development Goal 5 (Gender Equality) on 7th May 2024 in collaboration...

    Poster Competition on SDG 12- Responsible Consumption and Production and Nutritional Camp

    The Department of Nutritional Sciences at Government College Women University Faisalabad (GCWUF) organized a Poster Competition and Counsell...

    Seminar on Career Opportunities in Foreign Countries

    In connection with "Young Initiative Program" the department of Sociology organized a seminar on 7...

    Seminar on Career Opportunities in Foreign Countries

    In connection with "Young Initiative Program" the department of Sociology organized a seminar on 7...

    Poster Competition on Climate Action

    A poster competition to exhibit Sustainable Development Goal 13, Climate Action (SDG-13: Climate Action) was held by the department of Bioch...

    Poster Competition on Life Below Water

    A poster competition to exhibit sustainable development goal 14, Life below Water (SDG-14: Life below Water) was held in the department of Z...

    Islamic Theory for Achieving Sustainable Development through Equality and its applications

    A Seminar on Gender Equality entitled "Islamic Theory for Achieving Sustainable Development through Equality and its ap...

    Clean and Affordable Energy: Challenges and Solutions

    Department of Physics, GCWUF has organized one day International Seminar on ???Clean and Affordable Energy: Challenges and Solutions??? at A...

    Seminar on Importance of Quality Education:

    Department of Education GCWUF organized a one-day Seminar on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) under the direction of the Ministry of Pla...

    Seminar on Unlock Your Potential and Prioritize your mental health

    The Department of Applied Psychology at Government College Women University Faisalabad engaged students in the "YOUNGs ...

    Sustainable Development Goal: The pathway to the future we want

    According to the directions of the Ministry of Planning, Development and Special Initiatives, the Quality Enhancement Cell has engaged the s...

    Smog reduction tree plantation

    Tree planting is necessary to save Pakistan from the troubles of climate change and global warming, for which every citizen must play its ro...

    Smog reduction tree plantation

    Tree planting is necessary to save Pakistan from the troubles of climate change and global warming, for which every citizen must play its ro...

    Training Session on Importance of Sustainable Development Goals Dated: 10-03-2023

    Quality Enhancement Cell of GCWUF organized a lecture session on ???Importance of Sustainable Development Goals??? on March 10th, 2023 i-e F...


    The Quality Enhancement Cell of GCWUF conducted a meeting with the nominated students of YOUNGS Initiative of Ministry of Planning & Dev...


    In a continuation on series of meetings with the nominated students of YOUNGS Initiative of Ministry of Planning & Development for SDGs,...

    SDG Report


    Young's Initiative Reports

    Report of young's Initiative for SDG-1
    Report of young's Initiative for SDG-1

    QEC Membership

    The QEC, Government College Women University, Faisalabad has following memberships with National and International Quality Networks

    International Networks of Quality Assurance Agencies for Higher Education (INQAAHE)


    Self-Assessment Procedure

    Self-Assessment Procedure

    Program Team 22-23

    Program Team 23-24

    Assesment Team 23-24

    Job Descriptions of PTs and ATs

    Self Assesment Reports

    RIPE Procedures

    Institutional level quality assurance is concerned with the RIPE Standards set out in the Quality Assurance Framework, against which each institution is required to align.

    The RIPE Standards as set out in the Quality Assurance PSG Framework are as follows. Higher education institutions are expected to use all RIPE Standards in framing the institutional approach to quality assurance.

    The Higher Education Commission has taken a significant initiative of performance based Institutional recognition and started up with primary step of outlining the Performance Evaluation Standards for the HEIs to be used for the purpose. A total of Sixteen Standards are prepared and each one of these articulates a specific dimension of the institutional quality.


    Strategic Development

    • Standard 1: Vision, mission, goals and strategic planning

    • Standard 2: Governance, leadership and organization

    • Standard 3: Institutional resources and planning

    • Standard 4: Audit and finance

    • Standard 5: Affiliated colleges/institutions

    • Standard 6: Internationalization of higher education and global engagement

    Academic Development

    • Standard 7: Faculty recruitment, development and support services

    • Standard 8: Academic programmes and curricula 7

    • Standard 9: Admission, progression, assessment and certification

    • Standard 10: Student support services

    • Standard 11: Impactful teaching and learning and community engagement

    • Standard 12: Research, innovation, entrepreneurship and industrial linkage

    Institutional Development

    • Standard 13: Fairness and integrity

    • Standard 14: Public information and transparency

    • Standard 15: Institutional effectiveness, quality assurance and enhancement

    • Standard 16: CQI and cyclical external quality assurance

    Institutional Performance Review (IPR)Process

    The institutional review process that consists of a Review Institutional Performance Report (RIPE) and a team visit provides the institution with performance indicators which will permit to look at the university critically, to have input from an external review team, and to take the necessary steps towards continuous quality improvement. This review process which will take place periodically is of vital importance to all universities that desire to meet international standards.

    In order to achieve the desired Expectations of RIPE Reviews, the university must provide the answers to the questions listed in conjunction with each of the standards as well as the university data which is requested by the university.  This University (IPR) Report needs to be prepared before the visit of IPR Panel. The RIPE Panel will be at university for three days.

    The purpose of such a review is not to bestow praise nor is it just to find fault. It is to be an honest appraisal of where there are existing strengths and where there is a need for improvement. External peer review is vital to a high quality university that seeks to nurture a culture of continuous appraisal and improvement.

    Role of IQAE/QEC within the Institution:

    Leadership: IQAE/QEC provides leadership and strategic direction for quality assurance initiatives within the institution, working closely with IQC, senior leadership, academic departments, and administrative units.

    Coordination and support: IQAE/QEC serves as the central coordinating and supporting body for quality assessment activities, ensuring alignment with institutional goals, objectives, and accreditation standards.

    Facilitate Assessment and improvement:

    IQAE/QEC facilitates and oversees the design, implementation, and evaluation of institutional assessment processes, including program reviews, student learning outcomes assessment, and institutional effectiveness evaluations.

    Major Functions of IQAE/QEC:

    Compliance: IQAE monitors institutional compliance with regulatory requirements, accreditation standards, and best practices in higher education, identifying areas for improvement and implementing corrective actions as needed.

    Improvement: IQAE/QEC facilitates institutional improvement efforts by analyzing assessment data, identifying trends and patterns, and recommending evidence-based strategies and interventions to enhance performance and outcomes.

    Communication: IQAE/QEC communicates assessment findings, recommendations, and best practices to stakeholders across the institution, promoting transparency, accountability, and shared ownership of quality assurance efforts.

    Data Collection and analysis: IQAE/QEC collects, analyzes, and interprets institutional data to assess performance, identify strengths and weaknesses, and inform decision-making processes.

    Report Preparation: IQAE/QEC compiles a comprehensive QA annual reports or IPER summarizing assessment results, findings, and recommendations for various stakeholders, including senior leadership, accreditation bodies, and external agencies.

    Continuous Improvement: IQAE/QEC collaborates with academic and administrative units through IQC to develop and implement action plans for continuous improvement, monitoring progress and evaluating the effectiveness of interventions over time.

    Professional Development: IQAE/QEC provides training, workshops, and resources to faculty, staff, and administrators in collaboration with IQC on quality assessment methods, data analysis techniques, and best practices in institutional effectiveness.

    External Relations: IQAE/QEC represents the institution in interactions with external stakeholders, accreditation agencies, government bodies, and other institutions, ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements and maintaining institutional accreditation status.


    The process of institutional internal quality assurance (institutional self-assessment) is illustrated in the Table and Figure below.

    Pre-visit activities

    Pre-visit activities

    Step 1

    Institutional Quality Circle (IQC) initiates the process for self-assessment and constitutes Institutional Performance Report (IPR) preparation/updating and a follow-up committee.

    Step 2

    IPR committee prepares/compiles IPR for current assessment year as per instruction of IQC.

    Follow-up committee prepares follow- up report as per instruction of IQC.

    Step 3

    IQAE/QEC reviews IPR report to check that all the Standards and questions are addressed, and proper documentary evidence provided. If not, report will be sent back to Committee.

    IQAE/QEC reviews follow-up report to check status of all observations and whether they all are addressed or not:

    ·       current progress status against each finding/recommendation

    ·       timelines defined for each corrective action is being followed

    ·       if not, then proper justification and revised timelines provided

    ·       constraints affecting the progress are properly documented.


    If anything is missing, the report will be referred back to the concerned committee. If not, move to step 6.

    Step 4

    IQC constitutes RIPE committee by meeting the conditions below:


    ·       review committee shall consist of five to seven members (internal and external)

    ·       at least one external member shall be included from HEC’s pool of experts

    ·       the internal members should preferably comprise seasoned and senior academics and administrative heads.


    Step 5

    An orientation session will be organized by IQAE/QEC to brief the RIPE committee members, that include:

    ·       RIPE Standards

    ·       Expectations of HEC

    ·       review process.


    Step 6

    Finalized IPR and follow-up report will be shared with all RIPE committee members.


    Step 7

    IQAE/QEC finalizes the schedule for RIPE after consent by RIPE committee and university’s administration.


    Review the documentary evidence against the claims made in IPR for validation and list the questions/probing questions to be asked of different stakeholders.

    Hold separate meetings with:

    ·       students (bachelor’s, master’s, PhD)

    ·       faculty (senior & junior faculty members)

    ·       academic heads (Deans/HoDs/Principals, and so on)

    ·       administrative staff (Registrar, Controller of Examinations, Treasurer, Director of ORIC, Director of Research, and so on)

    ·       Directors of Campuses (in case of sub-campuses), Heads of selected affiliated colleges (in case of affiliated colleges)


    to have an insight on institutional performance in accordance with their respective domains and to get feedback about any issues that may be inhibiting progress.


    Visit to assess classrooms, libraries, laboratories, studios, cafeteria, student accommodation, sports, auditoriums, transport, and so on, in order to get a clear picture of all the facilities.

    Meeting of the RIPE committee members in a separate space for finalization of findings before the visit ends.

    Post-visit activities


    Step 1

    Based on observations finalized during visit, RIPE Committee prepares the report reflecting all the findings/suggestion/recommendations as per QAA guidelines.


    Step 2

    ·       RIPE Committee submit reports to IQAE/QEC.

    ·       IQAE/QEC ensures that report is signed by all RIPE Committee members.

    ·       In case of any conflict, IQAE/QEC moderates to resolve the conflict and finalizes  report with mutual agreement of all members.


    Step 3


    IQAE/QEC submits report to IQC for signing off/review and approval.


    Step 4

    IQAE/QEC disseminates report to departments for implementation and IQAE/QEC will monitor the implementation through IQC as per institutional CQI policy.



    External Report 2023_2024

    IPE (Notification)

    IPE (Report 2021-22)

    IPE (Report 2022-23)

    IQC Notification

    Graduate Program MPhil and PHD

    M.Phil NOCs

    M.Phil, English (Applied Linguistics)
    M.Phil (Chemistry)
    M.Phil (Food & Nutrition)
    M.Phil (Botany)
    M.Phil (Islamic Studies)
    M.Phil (Zoology)
    M.Phil (Urdu)
    M.Phil (Physics)
    M.Phil (Food Science & Technology)

    PhD. NOCs

    PhD (Chemistry)
    PhD (Botany)
    PhD (Food Sci & Technology)
    PhD (Urdu)
    PhD (Zoology)

    Quality Policy

    1-Introduction, Mission and Vision

    2-Role of Quality Enhancement Cell (GCWUF)

    3-QEC GCWUF Aims and Objectives

    4-Functions of QEC GCWUF

    5-PREE- Program Review for Effectiveness and Enhancement

    6-Self-Assessment Process at GCWUF

    7-Program Team and PT Committee

    8-Assessment Team and Key Responsibilities

    9-Program Review for Effectiveness and Enhancement(Level 7 and Level 8 Programs)

    10-Program Review Team, Follow-up and Evaluation Committee

    11-Review of Institutional Performance Enhancement Report (RIPE) and Procedure

    12-RIPE Preparation Committee

    13-Role of the Facilitator

    14-Role of Lead Student Representative (LSR)

    15-Self-RIPE Committee (Evaluation)

    16-Membership of International Quality Assurance Organizations.

    17-IQC-AAC Committee and TORs

    18-University Anti-Plagiarism Standing Committee

    19-Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI)

    20-Membership on Statuary Bodies of the University

    SDG Report


    Workshop on "Aligning Institutional Practices with HEC, Revamped Quality Assurance Framework & the Role of Faculty and QEC"

    Workshop on "Aligning Institutional Practices with HEC, Revamped Quality Assurance Framework & the Role ...

    One Day Training Session on Undergraduate Education Policy-2023

    The Directorate of Quality Enhancement Cell, GCWUF successfully arranged One Day Training Session on Undergraduate Education Policy-2023 wit...

    From March 4th to March 6th, 2024, the Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC) of GCWUF meticulously organized a comprehensive three-day project-based learning activity.

    From March 4th to March 6th, 2024, the Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC) of GCWUF meticulously organized a comprehensive three-day project-base...

    The Quality Enhancement Cell conducting a project-based learning activity of students of YOUNG???s Initiative for the Sustainable

    The Quality Enhancement Cell conducting a project-based learning activity of students of YOUNG???s Initiative for the Sustainable Developmen...


    In a continuation on series of meetings with the nominated students of YOUNGS Initiative of Ministry of Planning & Development for SDGs, the...


    The Quality Enhancement Cell of GCWUF conducted a meeting with the nominated students of YOUNGS Initiative of Ministry of Planning & Develop...

    Training Session on ???Importance of Sustainable Development Goals

    Quality Enhancement Cell of GCWUF organized a lecture session on ???Importance of Sustainable Development Goals??? on March 10th, 2023 i-e F...

    Holding One Day Capacity Building Knowledge Sharing Session of Pakistan Qualification Register (PQR)

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    Holding Lecture Sessions on Implementation of Undergraduate Education Policy

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    Workshop on "Quality and Governance in Higher Education Institutions"

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    one Day Workshop on "Post Graduate Programs Reviews and Institutional Performance Evaluation"

    Directorate of Quality Enhancement Cell of GCWUF organized, a workshop on "Post Graduate Programs Reviews and Institutional Performance Eval...

    One Day Lecture Session on Effective Teaching Strategies in Higher Education Institutions

    The resource person, Dr. Hafiz Haider Ali, delivered a detailed and comprehensive lecture on "Post Graduate Programs Reviews and Institution...

    One Day Workshop on Quality and Governance in the Higher Education Institutions

    Coordinators, heads of the all academic departments, Program Team members Review Members & IPE Focal Persons attended the workshop. ...


    0Faculty File Check List
    1Student File Check List
    2Course File Check List
    3Employer Survey
    4(Teacher Evaluation Form)
    5(Faculty Resume)
    6(Alumni Survey)
    7(Survey of department offering PhD Programs)
    8(Faculty Survey)
    9(Research Student Progress Review Form)
    10(Survey of Graduating Students)
    11(Faculty Course Review Report)
    12 (Student Course Evaluation Questionnaire)

    HEC Policy Letters

    Minimum Experience of a PhD Faculty Member to Supervise a PhD Thesis.pdf

    Supervision of MS-MPhil Research Thesis by MS-MPhil Qualified Faculty Members.pdf

    Weightage of Revised Assessment Criteria For Quality Enhancement Cell.pdf

    Violation of Rules in the Award of PhD Degrees.pdf

    Violation Rules Award PhD degrees.pdf

    Supervision MS MPhil Programmes.pdf

    Minimum PhD Faculty Supervise a PhD thesis.pdf