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Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals Research Group

Functional foods and nutraceuticals are foods/food components having physiological benefits along with basic nutritional functions. The Functional Foods and Nutraceutical Research Group aims at development based on bioactive and functional food ingredients and their formulation for new product development for targeted nutrition across the lifespan.....

Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics Research Group

Nutrition is an integral part of health; it influences the growth, development, maintenance of health, and can be used for the management of diseases. Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics Research Group aims to improve the understanding of the impact of food and nutrition on health and disease and to focus on the nutritional intervention to promote hea....


Nutritional Sciences is a newly established department of the university, represents an emerging and exciting field of study of interdisciplinary nature. The primary emphasis of nutritional sciences is to provide scientific base for diversity in the human needs for foods and nutrients, the metabolic responses to dietary changes, and the interactions among genetics, drug nutrient interaction and food consumption patterns on human health and well being. Thus, physical, biological and social sciences are integrated in consideration of the national and international goals of achieving optimal health through proper nutrition. This integration of disciplines will bring a broad range of courses and research opportunities to the students. It will provide them with the breadth of education and focus to suit their individual goals. Nutrition professionals work in a wide range of settings, in both the public and private sectors and assume an array of challenging responsibilities. Career opportunities for a registered/licensed dietician include: health care dietician and administrator, nutrition researcher, fitness/wellness consultant, public health nutritionist, school nutrition supervisor, Cooperative Extension educator, entrepreneur in dietetic programs and services, and corporate dietician/nutritionist.


The vision of the Department of Nutritional Sciences is to be a premier academic department that excels in the discovery, dissemination, and translation/application of knowledge in nutrition. To impart nutrition education and training in individuals based on research interventions to develop new functional foods towards the attainment of better nutritional status and prevention of diseases in the community.


Our mission is to provide integrated instruction, research, and outreach programs to improve the nutritional well-being and health of individuals, families and the community. To impart nutritional knowledge to promote nutritional status and contribute to a safe and nutritious food supply.

Programs Offered

BS Human Nutrition and Dietetics [Four Years Degree Programme ]

Mphil Food and Nutrition [Two Years Degree Programme ]

  • Program Duration: 2 years
  • Eligibility Criteria: M.Sc. food and nutrition/community health and nutrition--BS/B.Sc. (hons.) home economics (food and nutrition)--BS/B.Sc. (Hons.) human nutrition and dietetics-- BS/B.Sc. (Hons.) food science and technology
  • Fee Structures: See More Details ...
  • Scheme of Study: See More Details ...


Assistant Professor, Nutritional Sciences


Office Assistant, Nutritional Sciences


Naib Qasid, Nutritional Sciences

Faculty Development Training

Department of Nutritional Sciences Faculty Development Training was organized by the Department of Nutritional Sciences, from 5th to 7th Ju...

World Diabetes Day Seminar on Education to Protect Tomorrow

The Department of Nutritional Sciences, GCWUF organized a seminar under the research project entitled 'Exploring Therapeutic Potential of Mo...

Training workshop on ???Professional Grooming and Dressing Etiquettes for Faculty in Academia???

The Department of Nutritional Sciences, GCWUF in collaboration with the Directorate of Faculty Development organized a one-day training work...

Activity on Interpretation of Food Guide Pyramid and My Plate

Department of Nutritional Sciences arranged the activity of the students of BS (HND), 5th semester, Section (MB) prepares different food pyr...

Self Assessment Report (SAR) Meeting of the Department of Nutritional Sciences

Meeting of Assessment Team to evaluate the BS Human Nutrition and Dietetic Degree Program was held on 21st January, 2022 at 11:00 am in Comm...

Nutrition Festival, 2023

The Department of Nutritional Sciences, GCWUF organized Nutrition Festival on 22nd March 2023, at GCWUF. It was celebrated on the theme of t...



Nutrition Education and Awareness Lectures at Educational Institutes

The Department of Nutritional Sciences, GCWUF organized awareness sessions on nutrition education for the students of Students Inn College o...

Plantation drive, 2021 Department of Nutritional Sciences

Plantation drive 2021 Department of Nutritional Sciences played its part in this endeavor by planting Citrus plant species ( Lemon, Orange, ...

Workshop on Capacity Building of the Clinical Dietitians

The Department of Nutritional Sciences, GCWUF organized two-days Training Workshop entitled ???Capacity Building of the Clinical Dietitians?...

International Webinar on Nutritional Management in Metabolic Disorders

The Department of Nutritional Sciences, GCWUF conducted an International Webinar entitled ???Nutritional Management in Metabolic Disorders??...

Activity on Infant and Young Child Feeding

Department of Nutritional Sciences arranged the activity of the students of BS (HND), 6th semester, Section (MA) to plan therapeutic diets f...

Grand Student Gala, 2023

Department of Nutritional Sciences glad to share that, the brilliant and multi talented students of the Department got positions and won pri...

Stall of Favourite Foods of Holy Prophet (PBUUH) by the Department of Nutritional Sciences, GCWUF

On the auspicious occasion of Meelad un Nabi (SAW), the Department of Nutritional Sciences, GCWUF displayed a stall on "Favourite Foods of H...

Inauguration of Nutrition Counselling Centre (NCC)

The Department of Nutritional Sciences initiated the services of Nutrition Counselling Centre, which was inaugurated by Prof. Dr. Robina Far...

Registration open-Short Courses

Department of Nutritional Sciences offering two short courses entitled: 1. Obesity and weight management 2. Infant and young child feedi...

Development of Functional Foods for the management of Chronic Diseases

Department of Nutritional Sciences arranged the practical activity of the students of BS (HND), 5th semester, Section (MA & EA) to devel...

Integration of Eat Well Plate in portion control meal planning

Department of Nutritional Sciences organized an activity of students of BS (HND), 5th semester, section (MA & EA) under the course title...

Orientation Session for Students of BS 1st Semester Fall, 2022

An orientation session was arranged by the Department of Nutritional Sciences, GCWUF for the students enrolled in the 1st semester of Fall 2...

Development of high protein diet to prevent various health issues

Department of Nutritional Sciences organized practical activity of the students of BS (HND), 7th semester, section (MB) under the course tit...

Nutrition Camp

Nutrition Camp was arranged by the Department of Nutritional Sciences, BS (HND), 7th semester on Friday, 10th December, 2021. The purpose of...

2nd Meeting of Board of Studies of the Department of Nutritional Sciences

The 2nd meeting of Board of Studies of the Department of Nutritional Sciences was held on 17th January 2022 at 1:00 pm in the Committee Room...

Webinar on World Health Day

The Department of Nutritional Sciences, GC Women University, Faisalabad conducted a Webinar entitled?????Fasting & Health?????in the con...

Poster Competition and Counselling Camp

The Department of Nutritional Sciences at Government College Women University Faisalabad (GCWUF) organized a Poster Competition and Counsell...

Participation in the 5th All Pakistan Nutritionists Convention-2023

Nutritionist and Dietitians Society (NDS) organized ???5th All Pakistan Nutritionists Convention-2023??? on 27th November, 2023, at Iqbal Au...

Nutrition Festival March, 2022

The Department of Nutritional Sciences, GCWUF organized 2 days Nutrition Festival from 16th to 17th March 2022, at GCWUF regarding 2nd and 3...

Meal Management for People with Low Socioeconomic Status

Nutritious food can be expensive, and it can be difficult to eat a balanced diet that includes fruits and vegetables when you are on a tight...

Serena Hotel-Study Tour

Department of Nutritional Sciences arranged two days (21st and 22nd Dec. 2021) study tour for students of BS-HND-5th semester, Section MA an...

Dietetics-III Practical Activity- Preparation of Therapeutic Meals

Practical activity of course Dietetics-III was conducted by students of BS-HND-7th EA and EB. Different therapeutic meals were prepared to r...

Entrepreneurship Skill Development

The main objective of the activity is to identify business ideas that could be successful in the local markets with respect to the 2nd, 3rd,...

Participation in "Future Innovator Contest 2024"

The Department of Nutritional Sciences, GCWUF participated in the "Future Innovator Contest 2024", held in collaboration with the ...

Nutrition Education and Awareness Session, 2024

The Department of Nutritional Sciences at Government College Women University Faisalabad (GCWUF) organized a Nutrition Education and Awarene...

Urdu Speech Competition, 2024

The Department of Nutritional Sciences at Govt. College Women University Faisalabad celebrates the outstanding achievement of the students, ...

Seminar on "Management of Triopathy"

Dr. Madiha Ilyas, Head of the Department of Nutritional Sciences at Government College Women University Faisalabad (GCWUF), participated in ...

Nutrition Awareness Camp at Educational Institute

The Department of Nutritional Sciences, Government College Women University Faisalabad (GCWUF) organized a Nutrition Awareness Camp at The E...

Quality Assurance and Accreditation Awareness Seminar

The Department of Nutritional Sciences is one of the premier Department of the University representing an emerging and exciting field of stu...


SELF ASSESMENT REPORT (SAR) MEETING 2022-23 The Department of Nutritional Sciences successfully conducted the meeting of SAR under Director...

Research Productivity Award-2022

Research Productivity Award-2022 was organized by office of research innovation & commercialization & Directorate of Academics in ...


The Department of Nutritional Sciences, GCWUF organized Nutrition Festival on 7th March 2024, at GCWUF on the theme of the National Nutritio...


1. Books

2. Research Paper
SAMAN ZAHID.In: Effect of soy protein on hypercholesterolemia and hypertension to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,1129-8723,Nil;Nil,10-MAR-20. p.288-296
Dr. MAHWISH.In: Hypoglycemic and Hypolipidemic Effects of Different Parts and Formulations of Bitter Gourd (Momordica Charantia),editor,(eds.)title series title and number,DOI 10.1186/s12944-017-0602-7,N/A;Springer,10-NOV-17. p.1-16
Dr. MAHWISH.In: Mahwish, Farhan Saeed, Mahr un Nisa and Muhammad Tahir Nadeem. Minerals and phytochemical analysis of bitter melon fruits and its components in some indigenous and exotic cultivars,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,ISSN 1981-3163,N/A;N/A,14-DEC-18. p.1-12
Dr. MAHWISH.In: Bitter Melon (Momordica charantia L.) Fruit Bioactives Charantin and Vicine Potential for Diabetes Prophylaxis and Treatment,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,https://doi.org/10.3390/plants10040730,MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.;MDPI,08-APR-21. p.1-14
SEHRISH AYUB.In: Protective effect of sesame (sesamum indicum) seed oil against hypercholesterolemic in sprague-dawley male rats,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,ISSN 0101-2061,Nil;Nil,09-SEP-20. p.1-5
DR TAYYABA SAMI ULLAH.In: Assessment of therapeutic potential of pearl millet iron fortified cookies through animal modeling,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,0970-7077,11/100, Rajendra Nagar, Sector-3, Sahibabad-201 005 (Ghaziabad) INDIA;Asian Journal of Chemistry,06-JUN-16. p.2545-2548
3. Chapter Contributed

Dr. MAHWISH.In: Foods as First Defense Against CoVID-19,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,1,Lightning source UK Ltd.;Springer,10-APR-21. p.153-192
DR. MADIHA ILYAS.In: Apocarotenoids,editor,(eds.)title series title and number,1,Springer Nature Switzerland ;Springer Nature Switzerland ,30-JAN-21. p.125-146
4. Seminar Information

5. Conference Proceeding

SAMAN ZAHID.In: Oat beta glucan role in healthy life and disease prevention,editor/orgniation.(eds.)Oat beta glucan role in healthy life and disease prevention,Nil:Nil,Year of publication, p.92-92
SAMAN ZAHID.In: Anti-obesity effect of green tea,editor/orgniation.(eds.)Anti-obesity effect of green tea,Nil:Nil,Year of publication, p.41-41
SAMAN ZAHID.In: Oat beta glucan role in healthy life and disease prevention,editor/orgniation.(eds.)Oat beta glucan role in healthy life and disease prevention,Nil:Nil,Year of publication, p.92-92
FIZA WAHEED.In: MALNUTRITION KILLS! Can we see the writing on the wall?,editor/orgniation.(eds.)MALNUTRITION KILLS! Can we see the writing on the wall?,Bahauddin Zakariya University Multan:Nil,Year of publication, p.147-147
FIZA WAHEED.In: lactic acid bacteria as a functional starter culture, sources of probiotics,editor/orgniation.(eds.)lactic acid bacteria as a functional starter culture, sources of probiotics,UVAS :Nil ,Year of publication, p.77-78
SEHRISH AYUB.In: Inulin as a prebiotic supports gastrointestinal health,editor/orgniation.(eds.)Inulin as a prebiotic supports gastrointestinal health,UVAS, Lahore, Pakistan:Nil,Year of publication, p.76-77
SEHRISH AYUB.In: Anti-obesity effect of green tea,editor/orgniation.(eds.)Anti-obesity effect of green tea,UVAS, Lahore, Pakistan:Nil,Year of publication, p.41-41
SEHRISH AYUB.In: Oat beta glucan role in healthy life and disease prevention???. ,editor/orgniation.(eds.)Oat beta glucan role in healthy life and disease prevention???. ,UVAS, Lahore, Pakistan:Nil,Year of publication, p.92-92
DR. MADIHA ILYAS.In: Current Issues of Drinking Water Quality,editor/orgniation.(eds.)Current Issues of Drinking Water Quality,Department of Food Science, GCUF:GCUF,Year of publication, p.61-61
DR. MADIHA ILYAS.In: Moringa Tea: An Overview of Promising Healer,editor/orgniation.(eds.)Moringa Tea: An Overview of Promising Healer,Department of Food Science, GCUF:GCUF,Year of publication, p.68-68
DR. MADIHA ILYAS.In: Moringa: A miracle plant to combat the Malnutrition,editor/orgniation.(eds.)Moringa: A miracle plant to combat the Malnutrition,Department of Food Sci & Tech, BZU, Multan:BZU, Multan,Year of publication, p.124-124